USCOTS 2013 - Program

Thursday, May 16th

Friday, May 17th

  • 8:20 - 8:30 am Welcome to USCOTS
    • Allan Rossman, USCOTS Program Chair
    • Marie Davidian, President, American Statistical Association
    • Montserrat Fuentes, Head, Department of Statistics, North Carolina State University
  • Plenary Session I
    Nicholas Horton, Smith College & Daniel Kaplan, Macalester College:
    "All Statistics are Wrong, but Some Statistics are Useful"
  • Posters and Beyond #1
  • 11:15 am - 12:30 pm Breakout Session #1
    1. Michelle Everson, University of Minnesota; Camille Fairbourn, Utah State University; and Ellen Gundlach, Purdue University:
      "The Reality of Online Teaching: Making Changes to Do It Well and Still Have a Life"
      Download Slides
    2. Anna Bargagliotti, Loyola Marymount University; Christine Franklin, University of Georgia; Randall Groth, Salisbury University; Tim Jacobbe, University of Florida; and Jennifer Kaplan, University of Georgia:
      "K-12 Teacher Preparation in Statistics: No Longer Optional but Essential"
      Download Slides
    3. Amy Wagler & Lawrence Lesser, The University of Texas at El Paso:
      "Changing Classroom Dynamics: Practical Techniques to Deepen the Discourse"
      Download Slides & Handout
    4. John McKenzie, Babson College; Robert Andrews, Virginia Commonwealth University; and Robert Goldman, Simmons College:
      "Learning How to Implement Pedagogical Change by Considering Successes and Failures"
    5. Robin Lock and Patti Frazer Lock, St. Lawrence University; Kari Lock Morgan and Eric Lock, Duke University; and Dennis Lock, Iowa State University:
      "StatKey - Online Tools for Teaching Bootstraps and Randomization Tests"
      Download Slides & Handout
    6. Daniel Kaplan, Macalester University & Nicholas Horton, Smith College:
      "A Tutorial on Modeling with Multiple Variables"
    7. James Gray, Tacoma Community College and Jim Smart, Tallahassee Community College:
      "Change From the Ground Up - a Faculty Perspective of the Carnegie Statway Networked Improvement Community"
      Download Slides
    8. Alan Maloney, Jere Confrey, Tamar Avineri, Dicky Ng, and Jennifer Nickell, North Carolina State University:
      "Using Learning Trajectories to Interpret the Common Core Math Standards (Grades 6-8: Data, Variation, Modeling, and Probability)"
  • 12:30 - 1:45 pm Buffet Lunch
    "Birds of a Feather" Lunch Discussions
  • 1:45 - 2:45 pm Plenary Session II
    Hollylynne Stohl Lee, North Carolina State University:
    "Envisioning a Future Teacher of Statistics in K-12 Classrooms"
  • 3:00 - 4:15 pm Breakout Session #2
    1. Chris Wild, University of Auckland:
      "Using Your Laptop to Gain iNZight and VITality: Intuitive, Free Software for Analysis and Conceptual Development"
    2. Hollylynne Stohl Lee and Tyler Pulis, North Carolina State University and Stephanie Casey, Eastern Michigan University:
      "Preparing to Teach K-12 Statistics: Using Digital Tools for Teaching and Learning"
      Go to breakout session website
    3. Bob delMas, Elizabeth Fry, Laura Le, and Anelise Sabbag, University of Minnesota:
      "Evaluating the Impact of Change in Curriculum and Teaching"
      Download Slides
    4. Jennifer Broatch and Jenifer Boshes, Arizona State University:
      "Tossing the Tables: Using RStudio to Adapt to Student Learning Styles through Evolving Technology"
      Download Slides & Materials
    5. Rob Carver, Stonehill College; Michelle Everson, University of Minnesota; Shonda Kuiper, Grinnell College; and Michael Posner, Villanova University:
      "Flipping the Classroom: Changing the Classroom Model to Enhance Student-centered Learning and Optimize Use of Time"
      Download Slides
    6. Deb Rumsey, The Ohio State University:
      "How Little Changes Can Make a BIG Difference"
    7. Mary Parker, Gustavo Cepparo, and Colleen Hosking, Austin Community College:
      "A Wealth of Activities for Introductory Statistics from the Statway and New Math Pathways Projects"
      Download Slides
      Go to breakout session website
    8. Daren Starnes, The Lawrenceville School:
      "Changing Gears: Using Activities to Link Study Design, Data Analysis, and Inference"
      Download Handout
  • 4:30 - 5:30 pm Exhibitor Technology Demonstrations (4:30 - 5:30 p.m.)
    • W.H. Freeman
      Roland Cheyney, Steve Thomas, and Karen Carson present:
      "Motivating and Preparing Your Students with New Media Resources from WH Freeman"
    • Pearson Higher Education
      Webster West presents:
      "StatCrunch - The Latest Developments
    • Cengage Learning
      Jessica Bright present:
      "Increasing Student Engagement and Measuring your Students' Learning with Aplia for Statistics"
  • Exhibitor Short Demonstrations (4:30 to 5:00 p.m.)
    • Hawkes Learning
      Jennifer Moore presents:
      "A Visual Way of Teaching Statistics"
    • McGraw-Hill Higher Education
      Holly Rhodes presents:
      "Mastering Concepts Online with LearnSmart"
  • 6:30 - 8:30pm Banquet and Awards
    Hosted by SAS/JMP at the SAS campus in Cary, NC
    Watch Online
    Musical/Statistical Entertainment:

    Download Banquet Program (includes lyrics)

    For the Lifetime Achievement Award, see

Saturday, May 18th

  • 8:20 - 8:30 am Announcements / Saturday USCOTS Warm Up!
  • 8:30 - 9:30 am Plenary Session III
    Xiao-Li Meng, Harvard University:
    "Energizing Higher Education for Statistics and Beyond: T = (IE)²
  • 9:45 - 10:45 am Posters and Beyond #2
  • 11:15 am - 12:30 pm Breakout Session #3
    1. Xiao-Li Meng, Harvard University:
      "Are My Students Actually Learning?"
      Download Slides
    2. Alison Gibbs, University of Toronto:
      "Introductory Statistics for Tens of Thousands from Dozens of Countries in One Lecture Section (and a Few Hundred at Home)"
      Download Slides
    3. Leigh Harrell-Williams, Georgia State University; Rebecca Pierce, Ball State University; Lawrence Lesser, The University of Texas at El Paso; Randall Groth, Salisbury University; and M. Alejandra Sorto, Texas State University:
      "Preparing to Teach K-12 Statistics: Assessing Teachers' Readiness"
      Download Slides & Handout
    4. Dalene Stangl and Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel, Duke University:
      "Transforming Introductory Statistics Education: A Flipped Classroom with Deliberate Practice and Team-Based Learning"
      Go to breakout session website
    5. Michael Bulmer, University of Queensland; Danny Kaplan, Macalester College; Ben Baumer, Smith College; and Randall Pruim, Calvin College:
      "Changing to R in an Introductory Statistics Course"
    6. Amy Phelps, Duquesne University and Shonda Kuiper, Grinnell College:
      "Nurturing a Passion for Statistics by Finding Stories in Data"
      Download Slides & Materials
    7. Rob Gould, UCLA and Monica Dabos, College of the Canyons:
      "Bringing Change to Community College Statistics Courses"
      Download Slides
    8. Susan Perkins, Northwest Nazarene University and Marjorie Bond, Monmouth College:
      "What? Me Change? -- How to Plan, Implement and Evaluate Changes in Your Courses"
      Download Slides & Materials
  • 12:30 - 1:45 pm Buffet Lunch
    "Birds of a Feather" Lunch Discussions
  • 1:45 - 2:45 pm Plenary Session IV
    Chris Wild, University of Auckland:
    "The Need for Speed in the Path of the Deluge"
  • 2:45 - 3:30 pm Closing Session: "Igniting a Passion for Change in Teaching Statistics (cont.)"
    (Click linked names to download their slides)
