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Careers, graduate schools, opportunities for students.
Analysis Tools
Software and on-line tools.
Building Blocks
Unattached components for modular use.
Step into the past with some foundational efforts in establishing the statistics educator community.
Caption Contest
Each month a panel of educators will evaluate the submitted cartoon captions based on their value for teaching statistics.
Syllabus issues and sources of statistics content.
Data and how to use it.
Cartoons, statistical art, jokes, games, magic, poems, word puzzles, quotes, songs, short stories, and videos for instructional use.
Resources for JEDI-Informed Teaching of Statistics | Pedagogy, research, and professional development
Computer and hands-on activities.
Lecture Examples
Lesson modules for lecturers.
Video, sound, and animations.
Homework, projects, and distance learning materials.
Simulation-based Statistical Inference Group
Teaching introductory statistics with simulation-based inference.
Suggest a Resource
Make a suggestion for a new resource to be added to the Resource Library.
Teaching Methods
Classroom pedagogy and logistics.
Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences
Peer-reviewed teaching materials.
Undergraduate Statistics Project Competition
Encourage students to develop data analysis skills and recognize outstanding work.