S12: Introductory statistics course redesign: a collaborative effort

By Lisa W. Kay (Eastern Kentucky University), Ciana Applegate (Eastern Kentucky University), James Mark Grogan (Eastern Kentucky University), Judy Jenkins (Eastern Kentucky University), James Johnston (Eastern Kentucky University)


A group of faculty at a four-year regional institution collaborated via the university’s general education redesign program, which emphasizes pedagogical changes, to update an introductory statistics course with goals of greater consistency, more active learning, enhanced inclusivity and transparency, built-in professional development, and increased technology use. Prior to the redesign, instructor strategies and adherence to GAISE recommendations varied considerably. The group produced five activities, three computer projects, and a revised syllabus for use in two classes of approximately 95 students each and several small sections of approximately 30 students each in the spring of 2023. Team teaching in the large classes allowed faculty pairs to learn from each other. Faculty agreed to emphasize technology and eliminate tables. The poster will summarize assessment data, student feedback, instructor comments, and survey data regarding student access to technology used to formulate an approach to excluding tables. General education assessment data from 2023 will be compared to past data. Participants will gain strategies for mentoring, incorporating consistency into multi-section courses, encouraging faculty to include more active learning, making syllabi more welcoming and inclusive, integrating transparency, transitioning from tables to technology with limited resources, and partnering with administrators and support units to improve instruction.
