Kelly Spoon (San Diego Mesa College)
To effectively teach our students how to communicate with and about data, we must design our courses to illustrate the impact of data on their lives and interests, highlight their unique talents and experiences, and find ways to show they belong in our courses, the college, and the statistics field generally.
This presentation will focus on course design choices to ensure all students are ready to communicate about data. Focusing on findings from learning science and culturally responsive teaching, we will explore ways to create a learning environment that fosters belonging, cultivates student strengths, and promotes equitable access to learning opportunities. Through the use of evidence-based practices and innovative teaching strategies, we will discuss how to leverage student diversity to create a classroom community that values and celebrates differences and supports all students in their learning journey. Additionally, we will examine how to make data analysis more meaningful to students by relating it to their own lives and interests, and by highlighting the ways that data shapes our world. Ultimately, this presentation aims to equip educators with the knowledge and tools they need to create engaging and inclusive learning experiences that prepare all students to communicate about and with data confidently.
Bio Sketch:
Kelly Spoon is an Associate Professor of Mathematics at San Diego Mesa College where she teaches statistics in online, hybrid, and supported modalities. She supports faculty in online course design, accessibility, and OER as a member of Mesa's Online Success Team and in her role as ZTC Faculty Grant Lead. Outside of work, she plays soccer and competes in speed jigsaw puzzle competitions.