2D: Flipping to make time for communicating about data (Room 104)

Marian Frazier (College of Wooster), Melissa Crow (New College of Florida), Megan Mocko (University of Florida), Jonathan Wells (Grinnell College)


Communicating ideas about data is a critical skill for statistics and data science students at all levels. This essential skill deserves dedicated class time, but how do we find the time? Flipped learning allows us to prioritize our class time so that students can prepare for and practice communicating about data with peers and receive valuable feedback from the instructor. In this breakout session, participants will be given an overview of several flipped classroom structures and then be guided through designing a flipped lesson themselves. Participants will be grouped with an experienced flipped learning instructor to create a class lesson on “communicating about data.” Each lesson will include choosing a pre-class learning resource, pre-class assignment, group space activity and a post-class assignment. The session will conclude with a gallery walk giving opportunity to see other participants' ideas. Participants will leave with three lesson ideas for “communicating about data” in classrooms that incorporate a degree of flipped learning structure. After the session, resources and results will be uploaded to a google drive folder for participants to access.


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