Carrie Lineberry (Randolph Community College)
Ever tried to get an entire mathematics department at a community college to transition from lecture-based instruction to active learning? Randolph Community College (RCC) in Asheboro, NC, has accepted this challenge as part of Teaching for PROWESS, a grant funded by the National Science Foundation partnering AMATYC with 8 community college spread throughout America to work towards a common vision for implementing active learning in college level mathematics. This session will cover the struggles that have surfaced, strategies used to overcome those struggles as well as the struggles that still exist as instructors transition from a lecturer to a facilitator of an active learning environment. Participants will engage in an activity that was implemented in our course at the start of the project, discuss this activity as a group and make suggestions on how this activity can be improved upon! We will use technology during the task, anything with a web browser should work.