Adam Molnar (Oklahoma State University), & Christopher Sauer (Cameron University)
As demand increases for adults with college training, colleges are searching for ways to help students with less math preparation successfully complete college-level content. In the corequisite model, students enroll in a college-level statistics course PLUS additional support. Multiple support structures exist, including extra class time, computer-based labs, and academic services. In this session, we will describe our schools' structures, challenges, and results. Participants will engage in thinking about what support for statistics entails, speak about their corequisite offerings, and connect to other faculty involved in this initiative designed to increase equitable access for students.
- Breakout Session - 3E - Corequisite math support for introductory statistics.pdf
- Breakout Session - 3E - Backward Mapping Worksheet.docx
- Breakout Session - 3E - Cameron Coreq Syllabus.docx
- Breakout Session - 3E - OSU Corequisite Topic Schedule.docx
- Breakout Session - 3E - OSU Stat 2013 Day by Day Plan.docx