Literature Index

Displaying 1761 - 1770 of 3326
  • Author(s):
    Garfield, J. B., & Green, D.
    This article discusses some of the past, present and future events of the Probability and Statistics Study Group.
  • Author(s):
    Miwa, T.
    In this paper, we will examine the present state of probability and statistics teaching in Japanese senior high school mathematics. We should take note that we are only concerned with probability and statistics teaching within school mathematics and not the whole area, e.g., statistics in other subjects and in other activities of school life.
  • Author(s):
    Simon, J. L., Atkinson, D. T., & Shevokas, C.
    This paper discusses the Illinois procedure for teaching the Monte Carlo method. Where there is limited time, or where students will not be able to grasp conventional methods firmly, we advocate teaching the Monte Carlo approach, and perhaps that only. Where there is more time, and where students will be able to well learn conventional methods, we advocate (a) teaching Monte Carlo methods at the very beginning as an introduction to statistical thinking and practice; and (b) afterwards teaching the Monte Carlo method with the conventional method as alternatives to the same problems, to help students learn analytic methods and to give them an alternative tools for their use.
  • Author(s):
    Zwiers, F. W., & Kelly, I. W.
    In this article we have provided teachers with four examples of short run illustrations which students can analyze and reflect upon. The examples provided can be handled by high school students once they realize that with suitable assumptions, the binomial distribution provides a reasonable approximation to the operation of chance in reality.
  • Author(s):
    Green, D.
    Green, D.
    The Chance and Probability Concepts Project, directed by the author at Loughborough University from 1978-81 (Green, 1982a) revealed the very limited understanding which 11-16 year old English School pupils have of probability concepts. A previous article in Teaching Statistics (Green, 1983) presented a general report of the research findings and made some recommendations. This article describes an attempt to follow up the research with practical class based activities using the computer to improve pupils' understanding.
  • Author(s):
    Cohen, S., & Chechile, R. A.
    Gal, I., & Garfield, J. B.
    While mathematics education guidelines have encouraged substantial change in the introductory probability and statistics curriculum, probability distributions still remain an important topic in a first course. In fact, just as software has made data analysis more accessible to students in introductory courses, it also offers new ways to teach probability distributions. However, these new teaching technologies, which emphasize active experimentation and interpretation of displays, also raise new questions. Just what do students see when they exmaine a display of a probability distribution? Do the displays really help students acquire a clear conceptual understanding? Can interactive exercises for related concepts like sampling distributions make good use of displays? Finally, can good assessment practices help us learn when displays are effective and when they might be confusing? This chapter will discuss some interactive, computer-based exercises that use and teach probability distributions, and consider how assessment can help address some of the important questions these new teaching technologies raise.
  • Author(s):
    Well, A. D., Pollatsek, A. W., & Konold, C.
    A number of studies have reported that there is a strong tendency to ignore base-rate information in favor of individuating information, except when the former can readily be incorporated into a causal schema. In the present study, students in eight undergraduate classes were given problems in which the base-rate information was (1) either causal of noncausal and (2) either incongruent or congruent with the individuating information. In addition, twelve subjects were interviewed as they attempted to solve several versions of the one of the problems. We found (1) strong individual differences in the perceived importance of base-rate information and even in how the probability estimation task itself was interpreted, (2) little if any effect of the causality manipulations employed by Ajzen (1977) and Tversky and Kahneman (1980, and (3) greater use of base-rate information congruent with the individuating information than of base-rate information which is incongruent. The interview data indicate that it is difficult to determine from the answer alone whether or not the subject thought that the base-rate information was relevant. These data also suggest that subjects have different strategies for dealing with probability estimation problems. One of these we characterize as not only nonBayesian, but also nonprobabilistic.
  • Author(s):
    Bright, G. W., & Harvey, J. G.
    Davidson, R., & Swift, J.
    There is considerable, good evidence that games can be effective tools in teaching mathematics and that all games are not equally effective. One key to effectiveness may be the degree to which the mathematics content is involved in the play of the game, since there would seem to be a corresponding involvement of the game players with that content. There is clear evidence that probability can be taught through games, but the role of students' strategy use may be important for understanding the effects of these games. Although only limited attention has in the past been given to identification of students' strategies, techniques have now been developed which may allow relating strategy use to learning.
  • Author(s):
    Shanks, J. A.
    Emphasis on problem solving in mathematics has gained considerable attention in recent years. While statistics teaching has always been problem driven, the same cannot be said for the teaching of probability where discrete examples involving coins and playing cards are often the norm. This article describes an application of simple probability distributions to a practical problem involving a carÕs approach to a red traffic light, and draws on the ideas of density functions, expected value and conditional distributions. It provides a valuable exercise in applying theory in a practical context.
  • Author(s):
    Christopher Danielson and Eric Jenson
    This article describes a probability situation that arose naturally in a high school and analyzes two technological approaches to its solution.


The CAUSE Research Group is supported in part by a member initiative grant from the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics and Data Science Education