F16: Mobile apps for communicating with data

By Bernhard Klingenberg (New College of Florida and Williams College)


The "Art of Stat: Regression" mobile app (available for iOS and Android) is an easily accessible, low-barrier, comprehensive statistical calculator, suitable to enhance the experience in any type of statistics or data science course. I will connect my smartphone to the screen and show how to use preloaded data to fit simple regression models, but also demonstrate how to upload csv files. Displaying regression lines in interactive scatterplots, showing confidence or prediction intervals or getting a residual plot are straightforward, with no learning curve and just the right amount of output as not to confuse students. The same app can be used to teach and carry out logistic or exponential regression. Students, especially those with limited coding experience, will appreciate the simple user interface and the ability to explore, experiment, replicate, and share their analyses, thereby practicing to communicate with data.