Nicholas J Horton (Amherst College), Randi L. Garcia (Smith College), Chelsey Legacy (University of Minnesota)
While coursework provides undergraduate data science students with some relevant analytic skills, many are not given the rich experiences with data and computing they need to be successful in the workplace. Additionally, students often have limited exposure to team-based data science principles and tools of collaboration that are used in the workplace. This workshop will let instructors experience agile development techniques (an approach originally used for software development) to foster team skills and undertake the entire data analysis process. Specifically, the workshop will introduce the use of scrum (a form of agile development) and describe how to incorporate the practice into experiential projects. These approaches help students develop a sense of agency and improve confidence in their technical and non-technical data science skills. Participants will learn more about why the agile/scrum development framework was chosen, how the framework was implemented, and have the opportunity to experience the approach. Results and experiences derived from an ongoing NSF HDR DSC grant will be incorporated throughout. Participants will be identify steps to implement a similar team-based approach to data science projects at their own institutions.
Participants only need a basic knowledge of R, to set up a GitHub account and install some software in advance of the workshop (instructions will be provided), and to complete a several short background readings.
Attendees who participate and complete the workshop reflection are eligible for reimbursement of up to two night's hotel at the Penn Stater (requires reservation using the group rate; pending final budgetary approval).