W08: Survival basics for early career faculty in statistics education

Iddo Gal (University of Haifa)


Friday, May 20th 11am-1pm; 1:30pm-3:30pm ET


Important: This workshop is designed for early-career faculty, who finished their PhD within the last 6 years, now serve in a full-time academic position, and conduct research related to statistics education.

The workshop aims to provide such 'young faculty' with ideas and directions for improving academic survivability related to key areas that academic institutions deem important (and consider in promotion decisions), regarding high-impact research, good teaching, and community contribution. The workshop will mix several mini-lectures and small group discussions on topics and dilemmas related to directions for improving research innovation and contribution to the field of statistics education, personal effectiveness in an academic environment, work-life balance, and other topics. The format is compact and flexible; participants are expected to come ready to actively engage with others in a similar early stage of their academic career. A  summary of some discussions and selected materials will be shared after the workshop.
