Theme of useful models visualized as a bunch of ideas going into a light bulb and models displayed are a neural network, simple linear regression, coin flip, and code.  USCOTS 2025 at Iowa State University.  Pre-conference: July 15th - 17th and Conference: July 17th - 19th.

2025 U.S. Conference on Teaching Statistics

Every other summer, CAUSE organizes the U. S. Conference on Teaching Statistics, which brings together teachers of statistics and data science to exchange ideas about improving their teaching. The 2025 USCOTS will be held at Iowa State University in Ames, IA from July 17th-19th, with pre-conference events starting on July 15th. The 2025 theme is "Useful Models."

Registration information coming soon!

Conference Schedule Map

Schedule map: Workshops Tuesday (July 15th) afternoon to Thursday (July 17th) afternoon with snacks provided in the mid-afternoons and mid-mornings.  Liberal Arts Symposium on Wednesday (July 16th) morning and afternoon with snacks in the mid-morning and afternoon.  Research Satellite on Wednesday (July 16th) evening through Thursday (July 17th) morning with appetizers in the evening and snacks in the mid-morning.  The Conference from Thursday afternoon (July 17th) to Saturday (July 19th) late afternoon with dinners on Thursday and Friday, lunches on Friday and Saturday, and snacks in the mid-mornings and afternoons.