Justin Post and Herle McGowan (North Carolina State University)
Wednesday, May 17 at 1:00 p.m. to Thursday, May 18 at noon
This workshop is intended to instruct on the creation R Shiny Apps - interactive web applications written in R - and on the best pedagogical practices for utilizing them in class. In particular we will focus on creating dynamic visualizations that can help students make informed decisions using data. The workshop will consist of two parts.
During the first part the goals are to see current applications and activities currently being used to teach statistics, learn the basics of coding an R Shiny App, discuss design principles, and create basic applications.
In the second part the goals are to create an application corresponding to a data set or topic provided by the participant, which they already use or would like to use in their classroom. We will also discuss best practices for writing corresponding activities.
At the conclusion of the workshop participants will have a number of interactive example activities and their newly created application and activity. Participants should have a working knowledge of R.