Friday 11:00 - 12:20
"What Really Goes on at an AP Statistics Reading?"Brad Hartlaub, Kenyon College; & Daren StarnesAP Statistics readers use rubrics and holistic scoring to evaluate students' free response answers. In this session you get a detailed look at the grading process used for AP Statistics exams, from drafting initial rubrics to determining final AP scores. You will take part in a simulated training session, and then will score sample responses from the 2006 exam. If time permits, we will discuss preliminary plans for the 2007 AP Reading. |
"I Wonder...From Question to Research"Bob delMas, University of Minnesota; Randall Groth, Salisbury University; Larry Lesser, University of Texas El Paso; & Jackie Miller, The Ohio State UniversityEach presenter will describe the "I wonder" question behind a statistics education research project and the steps that led to the current stage of the project. Participants will have the opportunity to analyze some qualitative data gathered in one of these studies and discuss what can be learned from this type of data. |
"Enhancing Statistics Teaching and Learning with Tablet PCs"Christopher Bilder, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; & Christopher Malone, Winona State UniversityTablet PCs are portable computers that allow users to interact with screen content using a specially designed pen. In this session you learn the basics of operating a Tablet PC, and discover how a Tablet PC interacts with software (e.g. Word, PowerPoint, and OneNote) for the purposes of teaching and learning statistics. Tablet PCs will be available for participants to use in a group setting. |
"The Gorillas of Introductory Statistics"Roxy Peck, California Polytechnic UniversityAt USCOTS 2005 the gorilla was introduced - something that is so obvious to us that we just assume that it will also be obvious to students. What are the gorillas of introductory statistics and how can we tame them? I have a few thoughts on the subject that I will share, and if you choose this session, please come prepared to share a gorilla or two from your own experience. |
"Using Statistics for Service Learning"Norean R. Sharpe, Babson College; & Julie Legler, St. Olaf CollegeAs statistics programs and courses have evolved over the past few decades to use more real data, focus has shifted to applications outside the classroom that serve the community. In this session you discover ways to implement service learning using statistics, and gain insights for facilitating service learning in your program. |
"Exploring GAISE 2007 - A Statistics Odyssey"Michelle Everson & Andrew Zieffler, University of MinnesotaFind out how the Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education (GAISE) are implemented in face-to-face and online introductory courses. Experience sample course activities and discuss ways to implement the guidelines into your course, both at the introductory level and beyond. |
"'The' Second Course in Statistics"Robin Lock, St. Lawrence University; & Dick DeVeaux, Williams CollegeTeaching of the first statistics course has received considerable attention in recent years, producing a relatively stable consensus. What happens after that course for the further statistical education of students who now want to go on to another statistics course? We don't have nearly the same level of consensus as most disciplines on what to do in a second course. In this session we will consider several possible models for second statistics courses, borrowing from existing statistics courses and the "second course" approaches in other disciplines. Participants will have opportunities to exchange ideas for designing their "ideal" second course(s). |
"Strategies for Working with Other Statistics Teachers"Mary Parker, Austin Community College; & Brian Smith, McGill UniversityHow can you support raising all of your two-year college's statistics classes to the next level of statistical understanding? In this session you discover easy yet effective ways to implement the GAISE Guidelines. The key is to collaborate with other statistics teachers. |
"Common Mistakes and Misconceptions"Martha Aliaga, The American Statistical AssociationThis interactive session addresses statistical concepts which may be difficult for the students to understand. This will be done by employing the six recommendations found at the GAISE College Report Participants are encouraged to submit questions in advance to Time is set aside during the session to answer these questions. |
"Increasing Interaction and Engagement with Computer Lab Management Software"Kythrie Silva, The Ohio State UniversityGain hands on experience with management software to enhance the lab experience. Share a student's screen with the class. Monitor each student's progress. Demonstrate a procedure on everyone's computer. Conduct in class quizzes and surveys. And put a lid on emailing and Internet surfing with the click of an icon! |