
  • This applet demonstrates the Central Limit Theorem. First, select a distribution (Normal, Uniform, Skewed, Custom) and add or delete data points by clicking on the graph. Then, sample from the parent population and the distribution of the sample mean is shown. Users can also choose to see the distribution of the median, standard deviation, variance, and range.
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  • This applet demonstrates the Binomial distribution by simulating Galton's Board, dropping balls through a triangular array of nails. When a ball hits a nail, it has a 50 percent chance of falling to the left or the right. Because Galton's Board consists of a series of experiments, the piles under the board are the sum of n random variables, where n is the number of rows of nails on the board.
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  • This online calculator allows users to enter 16 observations with up to 4 dependent variables and calculates the regression equation, the fitted values, R-Squared, the F-Statistic, mean, variance, first order serial-correlation, second order serial-correlation, the Durbin-Watson statistic, and the mean absolute errors. It also tests normality and gives the i-th residuals.

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  • This page contains applets and data files that supplement the text "Investigating Statistical Concepts, Applications, And Methods." The applets and files are organized according to chapter; each data file is available in Minitab or text format.
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  • This applet allows users to run experiments such as Ball and Urn, Buffon's Needle, Craps, Monty Hall, and many more. Select an experiment from the drop down menu and click "About" to read its description. Then, set the parameter values. Set the sample size using the "Update" box and the number of samples using the "Stop" box. The single arrow button takes one sample and the double arrow button takes the number of samples selected. Graphs of the theoretical and empirical distributions are shown. Requires JAVA
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  • This applet allows users to play several probability games like Monty Hall, Gambler's Ruin, Galton's Board, etc. Select a game from the drop down menu and click "About" to read its background. Users can manipulate the parameters for each game. Graphs of the theoretical and empirical distributions are shown. Requires JAVA.
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  • This site contains numerous resources for learning statistics. Under "Free Statistical Software", the user will find many, many links to free statistical software packages. Also available on the site are links to statistical textbooks, tutorials, applets, calculators, data sources, and more.
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  • This lesson poses a series of questions designed to challenge students' possible misconceptions of statistical inference and hypothesis testing. The lesson uses the statistical software, Fathom, and three datasets with information on the number of chips per canister distributed by a snack maker. The data can found at the relation address below.
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  • This Flash based applet simulates data from a case study of treatments for tumor growth in mice. This simulation allows the user to place mice into a control and treatment groups. The simulation then compares the difference in the groups based on this haphazard selection to those of a truly random assignment (the user may also create multiple random assignments and examine the sampling distribution of key statistics). The applet may be used to illustrate three points about random assignment in experiments: 1) how it helps to eliminate bias when compared with a haphazard assignment process, 2) how it leads to a consistent pattern of results when repeated, and 3) how it makes the question of statistical significance interesting since differences between groups are either from treatment or by the luck of the draw. In this webinar, the activity is demonstrated along with a discussion of goals, context, background materials, class handouts, and assessments. Key Note for Instructors: The data are drawn from a real experiment with an effective treatment but where the response is correlated with animal age and size (so tumor size will tend to be smaller in the treatment group when measured at the end of a randomized experiment but animal age and size should not be). Typically people choosing haphazardly will tend to pick larger/older animals for the treatment group and thus create a bias against the treatment.
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  • This site provides an outline of an activity for introducing Bayes' Theorem and conditional probability.
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