Multivariate Distributions

  • A cartoon to teach about the use of spreadsheet programs. Cartoon by John Landers ( based on an idea from Dennis Pearl (The Ohio State University). Free to use in the classroom and on course web sites.
    Average: 1 (1 vote)
  • This textbook from VassarStats introduces various statistical topics and contains interactive components. Topics include: Measurement Principles; Distributions; Correlation; Regression; Partial Correlation; Rank-Order Correlation; Statistical Significance; Sampling Distributions; Hypothsis Tests; Probability; Chi-Square; Fisher's Exact Test; t-Distribution; t-test; Mann-Whitney Test; Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test; Analysis of Variance; F-Distribution; Kruskal-Wallis Test; Friedman Test; Analysis of Covariance. Several calculators and generators include: Binomial Probability; Normal Probability; Binomial Sampling Distribution; Chi-Square Sampling Distribution.

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  • This resource explains the t-distribution and hypothesis testing (informally) using an example on laptop quality.
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  • A specially-designed statistical literacy course is needed for college students in majors that don't require statistics or mathematics. This paper suggests that key topics in conditional probability, multivariate regression and the vulnerability of statistical significance to confounding should be included and presents some new ways to teach these ideas.
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  • This paper presents three graphs that are used in teaching students majoring in business and the humanities. These graphs show the influence of confounding, the meaning of statistical significance, and the influence of confounding on statistical significance.
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  • This paper presents rules for determining whether an index variable in such a table is part or whole depending on whether the associated margin value is an average, a sum or a 100% sum. Tables with missing margin values -- date-indexed tables, half tables and control tables -- are analyzed. Recommendations are made to improve reader understanding of any table involving rates or percentages.
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  • This article discusses teaching causality without being discipline specific. It explains the causal differences between description, prediction and explanation.
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  • This survey assesses statistical literacy. The survey focuses on the general use of informal statistics in everyday situations: reading and interpreting tables and graphs involving rates and percentages.
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  • This is a Java Applet, which allows you to load your personal data and edit data. It provides interval and endpoint values and the option to view as a histogram.
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  • This Java Applet of a scatterplot allows you to enter data, move data points, define the range of values, and view graph value information.
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