Multivariate Distributions

  • The applets in this section allow you to see how different bivariate data look under different correlation structures. The Movie applet either creates data for a particular correlation or animates a multitude data sets ranging correlations from -1 to 1. The Creation applet allows the user to create a data set by adding or deleting points from the screen. This page was formerly located at
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  • This Java applet helps students visualize features and factors of one and two-way ANOVA tables together with representational models and model parameters.
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  • This is an article published in the Journal of Statistics Education describing the ANOVA Visualization Tool and how it can be used in class.
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  • Each dataset in this collection includes description of the study, description of the data file, statistical topic covered, and reference. Topics addressed include: correlation, one-way ANOVA, Bonferroni multiple comparison procedure, regression (simple, multiple, and loglinear), chi-square, and the t-test.
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  • This page is a collection of examples, demonstrations, and exercises that can be used to motivate a lecture, demonstrate an important point, or create a laboratory exercise for students. Topics include the following: Descriptives, Normal Distribution, Sampling Distributions, Probability, Chi-Square, t tests, Power, Correlation/Regression, One-way Anova, Multiple Comparisons, Factorial Anova, Repeated Measures, Multiple Regression, General Linear Model, Log Linear Models, and Distribution-Free Tests.
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  • The ICPSR provides access to a large repository of social science and political data. Data sets can be constructed and downloaded for use in most popular statistical packages.
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  • This module contains discussions on t-test, ANOVA, correlation, two-way factorial ANOVA, regression, chi-squared, and distributions and provides links to a variety of activities relevant to the discussions.
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  • This module contains discussions on two and three dimensional graphs, histograms, scatterplots, boxplots, and data visualization, and provides links to a variety of relevant activities.
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  • The Journal of Statistics Education has published this collection of datasets and related articles describing their use, submitted by faculty members from numerous institutions. Data is in .dat format.
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  • This collection is organized as discussions and activities in the subjects of descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, graphical analysis, and TI-83 and Excel guides. It also includes a section of quizzes. Key Words: Mean; Median; Mode; Normal Distribution; Skewed Distribution; Range; Standard Deviation; Confidence Interval; T-Test; ANOVA; Correlation; Regression; Chi-Square; Probability Distributions; Histograms; Scatterplots; Boxplot.
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