Multivariate Distributions

  • In this free online video program, students will learn that "causation is only one of many possible explanations for an observed association. This program defines the concepts of common response and confounding, explains the use of two-way tables of percents to calculate marginal distribution, uses a segmented bar to show how to visually compare sets of conditional distributions, and presents a case of Simpson's Paradox. The relationship between smoking and lung cancer provides a clear example."
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  • This site describes and explains the use of students projects and their assessment capabilities and purposes. It lists a few student projects by authors and also scoring rubrics and samples of students work.
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  • This section of ARTIST contains suggestions for implementing student journals, writing assignments, and minute papers in statistics classes. Links to general references for writing assessments are included.
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  • This webpage provides an extensive list of links to free statistical calculators and statistical software packages. Descriptions are provided for some of the resources.

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  • This collection of free, interactive Java applets provides a graphical interface for studying the power of the most commonly encountered experimental designs. Intended to be useful in planning statistical studies, these applets cover confidence intervals for means or proportions, one and two sample hypothesis tests for means or proportions, linear regression, balanced ANOVA designs, and tests of multiple correlation, Chi-square, and Poisson. Each applet opens in its own window with sliders, which are convertible to number-entry fields, for manipulating associated parameters. Controlling for the other parameters, users can change sample size, standard deviation, type I error (alpha) and effect size one at a time to see how each affects power. Conversely, users can manipulate the power for the test to determine the necessary sample size or margin of error. Additional features include a graph option by which the program plots a dependent variable (i.e. power) over a range of parameter values; the graph is automatically updated as the parameters are changed. Each dialog window also offers a Help menu which provides instructions for using the applet. The applets can be used over the Internet or downloaded onto the user's own computer.
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  • This applets on this site include: interactive graphs of many distribution models; a collection of computer generated games; a collection of data modeling aids including curve fitting, wavelets, matrix manipulations, etc.; p-values, quantiles & tail-probabilities calculations; virtual online probability experiments and demonstrations; and a large collection of statistical techniques for online data analysis, visualization, and integration.

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  • The Marble Game is a "concept model" demonstrating how a binomial distribution evolves from the occurence of a large number of dichotomous events. The more events (marble bounces) that occur, the smoother the distribution becomes.
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  • This is an exercise in interpreting data that is generated by a phenomenon that causes the data to become biased. You are presented with the end product of this series of events. The craters occur in size classes that are color-coded. After generating the series of impacts, it becomes your assigned task to figure out how many impact craters correspond to each of the size class categories.
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  • This page introduces various measures of central tendency and spread with an example on leaf size. Two descriptive statistics calculators are provided which compute mean, median, minimum, maximum, 1st & 3rd quartiles, standard deviation, and the 95% confidence interval for the mean and tests for normality. Users type in individual data points or copy and paste the entire data set. Key Words: Five Number Summary; Mode; Interquartile Range; Variance; Range; Normal Distribution.
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  • This online, interactive lesson on finite sampling models provides examples, exercises, and applets that include hypergeometric distribution, multivariate hypergeometric distribution, order statistics, the matching problem, the birthday problem, and the coupon collector problem.

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