Literature Index

Displaying 2341 - 2350 of 3326
  • Author(s):
    Garfield, J. B., & delMas, R.
    Statistical power is defined as the likelihood that a particular test will correctly determine a false null hypothesis. This paper describes an ongoing research program focused on the teaching, learning, and understanding of ideas related to statistical power. The research described includes investigations of the effectiveness of instruction using a specially designed interactive software program (the Power Simulator), and the development and use of assessment instruments to measure students' informal understandings of power prior to instruction.
  • Author(s):
    Canal, G.
    Starkings, S.
    If it is accepted that the concepts of probability are complicated, it should be also accepted that they are very near to the daily life of common people. Anyway, everybody has to face a variety of situations of uncertainty that can cause either anxiety or joy. As the idea is to teach these concepts to the students, the best way to do it is to have fun when carrying it out. This paper reports the experience with a group of students who are preparing to become high school teachers, in the world of probability by talking about soccer. With this sport as a reference a question is posed such that when students are asked about it, it not only allows an interesting probabilistic analysis, but also takes them, when solving it, to other mathematics concepts like limits and derivatives. The whole situation is presented: its position as conjecture, attempts of answering that include computer work and graphics up to its formal proof.
  • Author(s):
    Estepa, A. ; Batanero, C. ; Sanchez, F. T.
    Presents an experimental study on students' strategies and association judgments when faced with comparison of a numerical variable in two different samples. Classifies the strategies from a mathematical standpoint to identify theorems in action and two types of misconceptions about association.
  • Author(s):
    Linda L. Cooper and Felice S. Shore
    This paper identifies and discusses misconceptions that students have in making judgments of center and variability when data are presented graphically. An assessment addressing interpreting center and variability in histograms and stem-and-leaf plots was administered to, and follow-up interviews were conducted with, undergraduates enrolled in introductory statistics courses. Assessment items focused upon comparing the variability of two data sets of common range represented by bell-shaped histograms on a common scale, computing measures of center from data extracted from graphs, and in comparing the relative location of the mean and median on a histogram from skewed data. Students' misconceptions often stemmed from their difficulty in maintaining understanding of the data that are being represented graphically.
  • Author(s):
    Jones, G. A., Langrall, C. W., Thornton, C. A. & Mogill, A. T.
    In this study we evaluated the thinking of 3rd-grade students in relation to an instructional program in probability. The instructional program was informed by a research-based framework and included a description of students' probabilistic thinking. Both an early- and a delayed-instruction group participated in the program. Qualitative evidence from 4 target students revealed that overcoming a misconception in sample space, applying both part-part and part-whole reasoning, and using invented language to describe probabilities where key patterns in producing growth in probabilistic thinking. Moreover, 51% of the students exhibited the latter 2 learning patterns by the end of instruction, and both groups displayed significant growth in probabilistic thinking following the intervention.
  • Author(s):
    Rubel, L. H.
    Burrill, G. F.
    This article reports on a subset of a larger study that addresses students' probabilistic thinking; the focus here is on students' thinking to three tasks involving coins. As well there are also highlights of the associated interview dialogues between the teacher-researcher and the students.
  • Author(s):
    Maxara, C., & Biehler, R.
    Rossman, A., & Chance, B.
    Modeling and simulation with the software Fathom has become an important part of an introductory course on probability and statistics for future mathematics teachers at our institution. We describe our conception of modeling and simulation competence that students are supposed to acquire. We use various means such as modeling guidelines, simulation plan and a guidebook with examples for simulations to support students' learning processes. We report on results of empirical studies that made us change and extend our initial educational approach.
  • Author(s):
    Hawkins, A. S.
    Vere-Jones, D., Carlyle, S., & Dawkins, B. P.
    From the statistical education point of view, each discipline teacher needs to fond that discipline's relationship to statistics before statistics can provide a meeting ground, a common "language", with other disciplines. A basic idea of its principles and a certain baseline awareness and appreciation of its possibilities (with respect to "my" discipline) are needed fist of all. Statistics Prize entries show that this kind of cross-curriculum project is usually better handled in primary schools. There, the teachers are general in their orientation, so they already have an elective view of research activities. At secondary level, however, this perspective has often disappeared and has to be encouraged in the teachers first before their students will get a taste of real cross-curricular work.
  • Author(s):
    Birgit C. Aquilonius and Mary E. Brenner
    Results from a study of 16 community college students are presented. The research question concerned how students reasoned about p-values. Students' approach to pvalues in hypothesis testing was procedural. Students viewed p-values as something that one compares to alpha values in order to arrive at an answer and did not attach much meaning to p-values as an independent concept. Therefore it is not surprising that students often were puzzled over how to translate their statistical answer to an answer of the question asked in the problem. Some reflections on how instruction in statistical hypothesis testing can be improved are given.
  • Author(s):
    Saldanha, L. & Thompson, P.
    Mewborn , D.
    We distinguish two conceptions of sample and sampling that emerged in the context of a teaching experiment conducted in a high school statistics class. In one conception "sample as a quasi-proportional, small-scale version of the population" is the encompassing image. This conception entails images of repeating the sampling process and an image of variability among its outcomes that supports reasoning<br>about distributions. In contrast, a sample may be viewed simply as "a subset of a population"- an encompassing image devoid of repeated sampling, and of ideas of variability that extend to distribution. We argue that the former conception is a powerful one to target for instruction.


The CAUSE Research Group is supported in part by a member initiative grant from the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics and Data Science Education
