Literature Index

Displaying 2371 - 2380 of 3326
  • Author(s):
    Sibel Kazak, Taro Fujita, and Rupert Wegerif
    The study explores the development of 11-year-old students’ informal inference about random bunny hops through student talk and use of computer simulation tools. Our aim in this paper is to draw on dialogic theory to explain how students make shifts in perspective, from intuition-based reasoning to more powerful, formal ways of using probabilistic ideas. Findings from the study suggest that dialogic talk facilitated students’ reasoning as it was supported by the use of simulation tools available in the software. It appears that the interaction of using simulation tools, talk between students, and teacher prompts helps students develop their understanding of probabilistic ideas in the context of making inferences about the distribution of random bunny hops.
  • Author(s):
    Marjorie E. Bond, Susan N. Perkins, and Caroline Ramirez
    Although statistics education research has focused on students’ learning and conceptual understanding of statistics, researchers have only recently begun investigating students’ perceptions of statistics. The term perception describes the overlap between cognitive and noncognitive factors. In this mixed-methods study, undergraduate students provided their perceptions of statistics and completed the Survey of Students’ Attitudes Toward Statistics-36 (SATS-36). The qualitative data suggest students had basic knowledge of what the word statistics meant, but with varying depths of understanding and conceptualization of statistics. Quantitative analysis also examined the relationship between students’ perceptions of statistics and attitudes toward statistics. We found no significant difference in mean pre- or post-SATS scores across conceptualization and content knowledge categories. The implications of these findings for education and research are discussed.
  • Author(s):
    Manor, H., Ben-Zvi, D., & Aridor, K.
    K. Makar, B. de Sousa, and R. Gould
    Reasoning about uncertainty is a key and challenging element in informal statistical inferential reasoning. We designed and implemented an “Integrated Pedagogic Approach” to help students understand the relationship between sample and population in making informal statistical inferences. In this case study we analyze two sixth grade students’ reasoning about uncertainty during their first encounters with making informal statistical inferences based on random samples taken from a hidden TinkerPlots2 Sampler. We identified four main stages in the students’ reasoning about uncertainty: Account for, examine, control, and quantify uncertainty. In addition, two types of uncertainties – contextual and a statistical –shaped the students’ reasoning about uncertainty and played a major role in their transitions from stage to stage. Implications for research and practice are also discussed. 
  • Author(s):
    Bar-Hillel, M
    Kahneman, D., Slovic, P., & Tversky, A.
    Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky have proposed that when judging the probability of some uncertain event people often resort to heuristics, or rulers of thumb, which are less than perfectly correlated (if, indeed, at all) with the variables that actually determine the event's probability. One such heuristic is representativeness, defined as a subjective judgment of the extent to which the event in question "is similar in essential properties to its parent population" or "reflects the salient features of the process by which is is generated" (Kahneman & Tversky, 1972b, p. 431, 3). Although in some cases more probable events also appear more representative, and vice versa, reliance on the representativeness of an event as an indicator of its probability may introduce two kinds of systematic error into the judgment. First, it may give undue influence to variables that effect the representativeness of an event but not its probability. Second, it may reduce the importance of variables that are crucial to determining the event's probability but are unrelated to the event's representativeness.
  • Author(s):
    Amy L. Phelps and Lina Dostilio
    The present study addresses the efficacy of using service-learning methods to meet the GAISE guidelines ( in a second business statistics course and further explores potential advantages of assigning a service-learning (SL) project as compared to the traditional statistics project assignment. Second semester business students were given the choice of participating in a SL project or doing a traditional project assignment.<br><br>When the projects were completed, students reflected on their experiences via survey. Both groups responded equally (agree or strongly agree) to the Likert scale questions: 96.15% reinforced learning objectives, 98.08% applied to real world, 84.62% positive experience. Responses to the open ended questions revealed that more students in the SL group (p = 0.019) wrote about the benefits of dealing with real world data, more SL students felt their work benefited others (65% felt their statistical expertise was valuable) and more (p=0.005) SL students felt that the experience will help them in future classes. These results suggest that while both groups were able to effectively support the GAISE guidelines, participation in the SL option offered an enhanced learning experience that included elements of social responsibility and personal growth. The experience was perceived more enjoyable and relevant to the real world adding elements of student empowerment while assisting a local agency in need of statistical expertise suggesting one can reap positive learning benefits by introducing service-learning pedagogy into a non-majors statistics course.
  • Author(s):
    Ng, Steve H. K.
    In this article, a very simple and yet useful feature of Excel called the SPIN BUTTON is used to illustrate two concepts associated with attribute acceptance sampling plans. The first concept is calculating the probability of lot acceptance based on which the operating characteristic (OC) curve of an attribute sampling plan is drawn. The SPIN BUTTON can show, visually, that the exact probability of lot acceptance calculated using the Hypergeometric distribution can be approximated by the Binomial distribution. The second concept is how the probability of lot acceptance changes when either one of the three parameters N, n, c of a sampling plan changes. The SPIN BUTTON can also visually show us how the shape of the OC curve of a sampling plan changes when the parameters vary.
  • Author(s):
    Meletiou, M. &amp; Lee, C.
    Lee, C. &amp; Satterlee, A.
    The paper describes how the transformative and conjecture-driven research design, a research model that utilizes both theory and common core classroom conditions, was employed in a study examining introductory statistics students' understanding of the concept of variation. It describes how the approach was linked to classroom practice and was employed in terms of research design, data collection, and data analysis. The rich insights into the evolution of students' thinking about variation that have originated from this research are then discussed. Implications for research and instruction follow.
  • Author(s):
    Godino, J. D.
    Phillips, B.
    In this paper we describe the main ideas in a theoretical model that was developed for mathematics education research and is also applicable to statistics education. This model takes into account the three basic dimensions of teaching and learning processes: epistemic dimension (concerning the nature of statistical knowledge), cognitive dimension (concerning subjective knowledge) and instructional dimension (related to interaction patterns between the teacher and the students in the classroom). These theoretical notions are justified and applied to analyse a teaching process for the median in the introductory training of teachers.
  • Author(s):
    Stephanie A. Casey
    This study seeks to describe the subject matter knowledge needed for teaching<br><br>statistical association at the secondary level. Taking a practice-based qualitative<br><br>approach, three experienced teachers were observed as they taught statistical<br><br>association and interviewed immediately following each observation. Records of<br><br>practice were assembled to create a compilation document to recreate each of the<br><br>fifty observed class sessions along with related materials including textbook pages<br><br>and student work. Analysis of the compilation documents focused on the demands<br><br>upon teachers' subject matter knowledge involved in the practice of teaching.<br><br>Findings regarding the knowledge required for teaching correlation coefficient are<br><br>highlighted, including its computation, interpretation, sensitivity, estimation, and<br><br>related terminology.
  • Author(s):
    Canizares, M. J., Batanero, C., Serrano, L., &amp; Ortiz, J. J.
    In this research work we study the comparison of probabilities by 10-14 year-old pupils. We consider the different levels described in research about these tasks, though we incorporate subjective distractors, which change the predicted difficulty of some items. Analysis of students' arguments serves to determine their strategies, amongst which we identify the "equiprobability bias" and the "outcome approach". Analysis of response patterns by the same pupil serves to show that the coincidence between the difficulty level of probabilistic and proportional tasks is not complete and points to the existence of different types of probabilisitic reasoning for the same proportional reasoning level.


The CAUSE Research Group is supported in part by a member initiative grant from the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics and Data Science Education
