Nathan Tintle (Dordt College), Ann Cannon (Cornell College), Beth Chance (Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo), and Robin Lock (St. Lawrence University)
Demands for a statistically literate society are increasing, and the algebra-based introductory statistics course (Stat 101) remains the primary venue for learning statistics for the majority of high school and undergraduate students. Despite more than one million students per year taking introductory statistics courses in the U.S. alone, far, far fewer go on to take a second course in statistics. However, increasing numbers of institutions are offering a “Stat 102” course--an algebra-based introductory statistics course with only Stat 101 as a pre-requisite. In this session, panelists will discuss implementations of Stat 2 at their institution and trends on a national scale, including topics like: getting started, learning objectives, technology, the role of student projects and curricular materials. Session participants will have the opportunity for in-depth discussion of panelist viewpoints in small groups throughout the session.