Dennis Pearl (Penn State University); Larry Lesser (University of Texas at El Paso); and John Weber (Perimeter College at Georgia State University)
Session Ended
Thursday, May 18 at 1:00 p.m. to Thursday, May 18 at 4:00 p.m.
This hands-on, no-prerequisite exploration of interactive songs for teaching and learning introductory statistics will follow this order:
- Brief discussion of the use and value of fun items, and songs in particular, in teaching introductory statistics (informed by readings provided in advance).
- Build to progressively more interactive statistics songs that can be used in the classroom or online - and discover the new idea of Student-Made Interactive Learning with Educational Songs (SMILES) that uses content-relevant inputs from students to generate songs, loosely modeled after the popular word template game known as Mad Libs.
- Experience first-hand how a particular example of such a song could be used in the introductory statistics classroom.
- Whole group opportunity to discuss and critique the student experience and effectiveness for learning of an interactive song.
- Team-based opportunity to create a mini-lesson plan on different songs to share with the whole group. No one will be singled out to sing, but everyone will have the chance to have SMILES!
- Discuss initial implementation of SMILES in introductory statistics labs at Penn State and Georgia State and how to move forward given lessons learned.
This workshop supported by the NSF-funded (DUE EHR 1544426/1544237/1544243) Project SMILES for introductory statistics. Workshop participants will have the opportunity to partner (and be supported) in field trials or in developing new materials for this innovation.