2017 A-mu-sing Contest - Submissions

Please answer in mm:ss format.
(who will be the primary contact person in the case of multiple authors):

Please briefly answer the following questions (adapted from Lesser & Pearl's paper in the Nov. 2008 JSE):

(e.g. introduce vocabulary; connect to real-world context; reduce anxiety; increase conceptual understanding...)
(e.g., in class or online)

You must disclose any aspect of the entry that is not an original, unpublished work here (e.g., artists/copyright holders for songs that are the basis for parodies):
Please zip multiple files together.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png bmp psd txt pdf doc docx ppt pptx xls xlsx avi mov mp3 ogg wav gz rar tar zip mp4 midi aiff aac.