Justin Post (North Carolina State University) and Matthew Beckman (Penn State University)
Friday, June 25, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm ET
Friday, June 25, 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm ET
This workshop is intended to provide an introduction to data wrangling and visualization using packages from the tidyverse, creating reproducible analyses using RMarkdown, and producing basic interactivity using R Shiny. Topics will be introduced with examples. Participants will then do small activities in breakout rooms that will give them a chance to try out the code and concepts.
Participants should leave this workshop being able to create HTML documents that provide documentation of their work, do common manipulations of data, produce customized graphics, and allow for interactivity with R using the shiny package.
This workshop will be most beneficial for those that have some basic programming experience, although not necessarily in R.
Participants should come with R and RStudio installed and will need to have permission to download packages onto their computer.