W07: Integrating R into Introductory Statistics Courses Using Key2STATS.com

Eric Simoneau (Key2STATS.com; Boston Public Schools)


This workshop session will help participants learn how to use the Key2STATS.com learning platform to teach statistics courses that more fully integrate R. The Key2STATS learning platform, formerly called STATS4STEM.org and funded by the National Science Foundation, has been developed to help educators more easily integrate R into their introductory statistics courses. The Key2STATS website provides educators with a large collection of statistical learning resources that simultaneously integrate R and a library of over 1,500 datasets. The integration of R, statistical learning resources, and datasets has been achieved through the development of RDojo, an easy to use R coding environment, that can be directly embedded within any Key2STATS learning resource or assessment item. Furthermore, Key2STATS provides educators with a large collection of assessment items, open-source textbooks, educator reports, an educator message board, and learning resources tailored specifically for R-based introductory statistics courses.

During the session, educators will: 1) become familiar with Key2STATS.com’s statistics and R-based learning resources and the website’s full functionality; 2) learn how to create custom learning resources, assessment items, or problem sets. Educators will then learn how to assign the newly created problem sets to all their classes, specific sections, or individual students; 3) learn to use our platform’s data, graphics, and reports to easily assess student learning in real-time. This real-time insight affords educators the unique opportunity to modify their in-class instruction to address the specific needs of their students.