We-22: Putting things in order with mean, median, and mode: a fairy tale on indices of central tendency for primary-school

By Susi Osti, Katia Ambrosino, Monica Bailot, & Sara Letardi (Istat . Italian National Institute of Statistics); Francesca Parpinel & Debora Slanzi (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice); Maria Pia Perelli (Didactic Research Centre Ugo Morin)


Stories are engaging and playful hands-on activities help kids to learn. Statistical concepts can be hidden in fairy tales, and little heroes can overcome obstacles thanks to statistical reasonings. Fairy tales can also be interpreted and animated by children: they become protagonists and live the experiences described in the story.

The session describes the story “Quarrels among sisters”: three different and determined sisters quarrel over a messy house inhabited by a hundred children. Will they find a compromise? The answer lies in three measures of central tendency. With the story comes a set of engaging activities for children aged from six to eleven. A demonstration of the workshop will be provided.

The workshop has been tested several times in different primary school classes. It was also presented as an innovative teaching tool in teachers' training courses organized by the Italian National Institute for Documentation, Innovation and Educational Research.


We-22 - Putting things in order with mean, median, and mode.pdf