P1-10: Developing a Web-based Dynamic Graphical Software, eStat, for All Levels of Statistics Education

By Jung Jin Lee, Soongsil University


Well known statistical packages such as SAS, SPSS and R are good for mass data processing but not enough for statistics education. Many individual developers have developed software for statistics education, but the most of them are limited to cover some specific topics. eStat, www.estat.me, is a freeware and web-based integrated graphical software with easy user interface which includes topics of University level for statistics education. eStat covers the most of statistical graphs and also includes special simulation modules for Statistics Education of such as Binomial, Poisson, Normal, Student t, ChiSquare, F distributions, Law of Large Number, Central Limit Theorem, Confidence Interval, Regression and Nonparmetric Tests. Related eBook which utilizes the dynamic graphic modules of the eStat has been developed. Therefore, an integrated textbook, eBook with eLearning system which utilize QR code of the eStat become possible.

Poster Session - P1-10 - Developing a Web-based Dynamic Graphical Software, eStat, for All Levels of Statistics Education.pdf
