
  • I have a mass of statistics here, but I am afraid of them because I was never able to do much with that rugged study, mathematics. I can only figure on the multiplication table up to seven times nine, which is - 84.

    Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)

  • Evidence, which we have means to strengthen for or against a proposition, is our proper means for attaining truth.

    Florence Nightingale (1820 - 1910)

  • I think the essential thing if you want to be a good statistician, as opposed to being a mathematician, is to talk to people and find out what they're doing and why they're doing it.

    F.N. David (1909 - 1993)

  • Statistics are the food of love.

    Roger Angell (1920 - )

  • Statistician: A man who believes figures don't lie, but admits that under analysis some of them won't stand up either.

    Evan Esar (1899 - 1995)

  • ... statistical techniques are tools of thought, and not substitutes for thought.

    Abraham Kaplan (1918 - 1993)

  • "Data! Data! Data!" he cried impatiently. "I can't make bricks without clay."

    Sherlock Holmes/Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930)

  • Statistical thinking will one day be as necessary for efficient citizenship as the ability to read and write!

    Samuel S. Wilks (1906 - 1964)
    paraphrasing Herbert G. Wells (1866 - 1946)

  • A knowledge of statistics is like a knowledge of foreign languages or of algebra; it may prove of use at any time under any circumstances.

    Sir Arthur L. Bowley (1869 - 1957)

  • He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lamp-posts ... for support rather than illumination.

    Andrew Lang (1844 - 1912)

