Resource Library

Advanced Search | Displaying 1351 - 1360 of 1429
  • This Java based applet gives students an opportunity to work through confidence interval problems for the mean. The material provides written word problems in which an individual must be able to correctly identify the given parts for a confidence interval calculation, and then be able to use this information to find the confidence interval. It gives step by step prompts to encourage students to choose the correct numbers and "cast of characters".
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  • This online introductory statistics textbook covers basic descriptive, statistical, and graphical procedures for analyzing data sets and contains three data sets and a practice final exam. Chapter headings include: Descriptive Statistics, Probability, Resampling, Discrete Probability Models, Continuous Probability Models, Central Limit Theorem, Confidence Intervals, Tests of Hypotheses, Estimation of Effect: Two Independent Samples, Design of Experiments, and Regression. The relation to this site includes exercises.
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  • The user is be able to change the mean and the standard deviation using the sliders and see the density change graphically. The check buttons (68, 95, 99) will help one realize the appropriate percentages of the area under the curve. An example of thiis "68-95-99.7" rule follows.
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  • Develops the idea of the transition matrix and what it can tell you.
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  • A series of pamphlets place online by the American Statistical Association, Survey Research Methods Section. Each pamphlet deals with a different aspect of survey research and how it is done.
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  • The larger the degrees of freedom, the closer the t-density is to the normal density. This reflects the fact that the standard deviation s approaches for large sample size n. You can visualize this in the given applet by moving the sliders.
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  • An online Introduction to Biostatistics course complete with lecture notes and links for futher reading, links to applets, and exercises with solutions given.
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  • The seventh chapter of an online Introduction to Biostatistics course. Two sets of lecture notes are provided (only the first one works). Additionally, links for additional reading and exercises with solutions are provided.
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  • A paper discussing the development of construct validity as applied to psychological studies.
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  • This page discusses the procedures and applications of the two sample t test and the paired t test.
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