Resource Library

Advanced Search | Displaying 1271 - 1280 of 1435
  • This assignment has students investigate whether the risk of having a child with a low birth weight is higher when the mother drinks and smokes during pregnancy. The data set represents a random sample of 1450 births from the state of North Carolina.
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  • The goal of this assignment is to obtain summary statistics for the variables in the data set, ncbirth1450.xls, which represents a random sample of 1450 births from the state of North Carolina.
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  • Stattucino is a free Java-based system for data analysis. This service is available as a Java applet or application. Some statistics are provided by a web-based interface as servlets. The applet and the application have a spreadsheet type interface for entering data, whereas the servlets use a html form for entering data. The output produced by the servlets, the applet and the application are in html.
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  • This webpage provides instructions for teaching confidence intervals using Sampling SIM software. It includes information regarding prerequisite knowledge, common misconceptions, and objectives, as well as links to an activity and a pre/post-test.
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  • This webpage provides instructions for teaching p-values and standard distributions using Sampling SIM software. It includes information regarding prerequisite knowledge, common misconceptions, and objectives, as well as links to an activity and a pre/post-test.
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  • This webpage provides instructions for teaching sampling distributions using Sampling SIM software. It includes information regarding prerequisite knowledge, common misconceptions, and objectives, as well as links to an activity and a pre/post-test.
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  • These tutorials on probability cover basic probability, random variables, expectations, and distributions with interactive assessment at the end of each tutorial.
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  • The Data Library contains lists of ongoing data-sharing projects, downloadable data sets in Excel spreadsheet format, and other sources of data found on the web.
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  • Free access to selected Internet resources covering all subject areas. This statistics research section includes links to journals, articles, data, and statistical associations.
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  • This reference resource explores the use of clickers, or personal response systems, in the classroom. Main points of discussion include what clickers are, who is using them, what makes them unique, why they are considered significicant, the downsides, and teaching and learning implications.
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