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Undergraduate Statistics Project Competition and Electronic Undergraduate Statistics Research Conference

The Consortium for the Advancement of Undergraduate Statistics Education (CAUSE) and the American Statistical Association are happy to announce the 2024-25 undergraduate statistics project competition (USPROC). The purpose of USPROC is to encourage the development of statistics and data science skills, to enhance presentation skills, and to recognize outstanding work by undergraduate statistics and data science students.

There are two submission cycles this academic year. The first submission deadline is Wednesday, December 18, 2024, and is for class and research projects happening in summer/fall 2024. The second deadline of Wednesday, June 18, 2025 is for winter/spring courses and projects, and for year-long projects. Winners will be announced within 2-3 months of the submission deadlines.

There are two main categories for submissions to the competition:

  • Undergraduate Statistics Class Project Competition (USCLAP): This competition is for undergraduate students who are taking a statistics/data science course at the introductory or intermediate level, in which a class project is part of the course work (either required or optional). Project submissions are a short report/paper (up to 3 pages). When submitting, a project needs to be entered with one of two levels:
    • Introductory Level: A data-focused project that was completed as part of their first course in statistics or data science (with no statistics or data science prerequisite course), with or without a calculus prerequisite.
    • Intermediate Level: A data-focused project that was completed as part of a second (or third) course in applied statistics OR as part of a Datafest competition.
  • Undergraduate Statistics Research Project Competition (USRESP): This competition is for undergraduate students who conduct research projects related to statistics or data science, either methodological or applied. The types of research projects may include research work from summer REU research projects, senior-level research projects (part of coursework), or independent research projects (e.g. honors, capstone) that are not based on a specific course that students are taking. Project submissions are a paper (up to 20 pages).

General Rules:

  • A student can be an author of only one project submitted to each competition (USRESP and USCLAP). Multiple submissions from the same student (as the corresponding author or a co-author) to either competition (USRESP or USCLAP) is not allowed.
  • A project can only be submitted to one of USRESP or USCLAP --- not both. Projects can only be submitted to the competition once.
  • If fewer than 5 submissions are received in a category, then these submissions will be rolled into the next round of submissions.
  • Faculty sponsors with more than 3 submissions in a category may be contacted as part of the evaluation process of their students' submissions.

The Electronic Undergraduate Statistics Research Conference (eUSR), which runs each fall, is a FREE online conference where undergraduate statistics & data science students present their work, learn more about careers in statistics & data science, and acquire valuable information about applying to, and succeeding in, graduate school. All undergraduate students and faculty are invited to attend.  For more information click here.

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