Literature Index

Displaying 921 - 930 of 3326
  • Author(s):
    Fischbein, E., Pampu, I., & Minzat, I.
    Hintikka, J., Cohen, R., Davidson, D., Nuchelmans, G., & Salmon, W.
    The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of direct instruction on the ability to handle permutations and arrangements, as an example of a problem at the level of formal operations. 60 Bucharest school children, 20 aged 10 years, 20 aged 12 and 20 aged 14, tested individually, were first asked to estimate the number of possible permutations with 3, 4 and 5 objects. Results showed that these subjective estimates improved with age, with a threshold (or marked improvement) at age 12, though there was serious underestimating at all ages. A step-by-step teaching strategy using generative "tree diagrams" was then used. Even the 10-years-olds learned the use of the tree diagrams and the appropriate procedures for permutations and arrangements. Reprinted from The British Journal of Educational Psychology 40 (1970), Part 3.
  • Author(s):
    Bulut, S., Ersoy, Y., & Cemen, P.
    Courseware (CW) development and its use in the classroom is an issue in Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI). Whatever the modes of CAI, few CW are adequate and effective in teaching particular topics of school mathematics, and they should be tested properly and improved continuously. In the present study, both the process of CW development for teaching some probability concepts to eighth grade students and its effective use in the classroom are described. The results of this study is given briefly.
  • Author(s):
    Condor, J. A.
    White, J. A. & Chappell, M. F.
    Technology-based problem-solving models are being successfully implemented in the mathematics curriculum. This study focused on enhancing problem-solving ability by supplementing traditional instruction in statistics with metacognitively-cued, computer-coached activities. The purposes of this study were to investigate the: (1) differences in ability to solve basic, statistical word problems when comparing a metacognitively-cued, computer-tool (MCCT) group to a metacognitively-cued, computer-coached (MCCC) group; (2) differences in metacognitive ability while solving basic, statistical word problems when comparing a MCCT group to a MCCC group; (3) relationship between problem-solving ability and metacognitive ability while solving basic statistical word problems. A sample of 120 community college, elementary statistics students was divided into four sections with a MCCT and a MCCC group at one time period and a MCCT and a MCCC group at a different time period. Treatments lasted eight weeks of a summer semester. Dependent variables were ability to solve basic statistical word problems as measured by a teacher-made test and ability to think metacognitively while solving the word problems, as measured by the Assessment of Cognition Monitoring Effectiveness (ACME) procedure. The students were also measured on the quality of their responses to written metacognitive cues while solving a basic statistical word problem before each of the exams during the experiment. The dependent variables were measured at five different times throughout the semester. It was expected that the metacognitively-cued, computer-coached groups would show the most improvement and metacognitively-cued, computer-tool groups would show the least improvement on all measures. The data analysis revealed that the apparent difference in problem-solving ability between the MCCT groups and the MCCC groups grew as the study progressed, achieving statistical significance at the last testing, with the MCCC groups being significantly higher at the last testing. The MCCC groups also demonstrated significant higher metacognitive-ability. In addition, significant correlations were found between problem-solving ability and metacognitive ability, ranging from .28 to .66. The presence of some significant teacher effects suggests that the effectiveness of coaching software may be affected by instructional strategy.
  • Author(s):
    Hobbs, D. J.
    Description of a study which formulated a model of the cognitive processes involved in learning statistics material via computer assisted learning (CAL) focuses on mode of presentation (aural or visual), sequence of the material, and previous mathematical experience. Textual analysis is discussed and implications of the results for design of CAL are presented. (LRW)
  • Author(s):
    Sears, D. A.
    Schwartz, D. L.
    Innovation and efficiency were examined for their effects on collaboration and learning in two experiments with university students. From the first experiment, the Innovation task promoted more knowledge-sharing behaviors than the Efficiency task. In the second experiment (built from the first experiment), participants learned about the Chi-square formula and their understanding of it was assessed with basic calculation questions, comprehension questions, and difficult transfer problems. As part of the transfer problems, a preparation for future learning (PFL) assessment was used to measure participants' ability to adapt their knowledge of the chi-square formula (Bransford & Schwartz, 1999). Participants in the Innovation condition scored significantly higher on the transfer problems, and Innovation dyads showed he greatest performance on the target PFL question.
  • Author(s):
    Heather C. Hill, Brian Rowan and Deborah Loewenberg Ball
    This study explored whether and how teachers' mathematical knowledge for teaching contributes to gains in students' mathematics achievement. The authors used a linear mixed-model methodology in which first and third graders' mathematical achievement gains over a year were nested within teachers, who in turn were nested within schools. They found that teachers' mathematical knowledge was significantly related to student achievement gains in both first and third grades after controlling for key student- and teacher-level covariates. This result, while consonant with findings from the educational production function literature, was obtained via a measure focusing on the specialized mathematical knowledge and skills used in teaching mathematics. This finding provides support for policy initiatives designed to improve students' mathematics achievement by improving teachers' mathematical knowledge.
  • Author(s):
    Kosonen, P., & Winne, P. H.
    A long-standing belief is that statistical rules helpful in solving practical problems do not transfer beyond the subject matter domain in which they were learned. Recent research by G. T. Fong, D. H. Krantz, and R. E. Nisbett (1986) challenges this belief. Fong et al. showed that instructing learners about abstract rules, such as the law of large numbers, improved reasoning about ill-defined problems and transferred to solving everyday statistical problems that involved probabilistic relations. Fong et al.'s research is extended in 3 experiments with 276 university, secondary, and middle school students. The law-of-large-numbers heuristic was taught in regular classroom settings and students' abilities to solve ill-structured, everyday problems were tested. Students learned a good deal about how to reason statistically, and these gains generalized over different structures of problems and topics. The results support a revival of formalist views of transfer, that teaching formal rules about inference making can improve reasoning and support transfer.
  • Author(s):
    Smith III, J. P.
    This paper analyzes the tension between the traditional foundation of efficacy in teaching mathematics and current reform efforts in mathematics education. Drawing substantially on their experiences in learning mathematics, many teachers are disposed to teach mathematics by "telling": by stating facts and demonstrating procedures to their students. Clear and accurate telling provides a foundation for teachers' sense of efficacy--the belief that they can affect student learning--because the direct demonstration of mathematics is taken to be necessary for student learning. A strong sense of efficacy supports teachers' efforts to face difficult challenges and persist in the face of adversity. But current reforms that de-emphasize telling and focus on enabling students' mathematical activity undermine this basis of efficacy. For the current reform to generate deep and lasting changes, teachers must find new foundations for building durable efficacy beliefs that are consistent with reform-based teaching practices. Although productive new "moorings" for efficacy exist, research has not examined how practicing teachers' sense of efficacy shifts as they attempt to align their practice with reform principles. Suggestions for research to chart the development of, and change in, mathematics teachers' sense of efficacy are presented.
  • Author(s):
    Ross, M., & Sicoly, F.
    Kahneman, D., Slovic, P., & Tversky, A.
    The purpose of the current research was to assess whether egocentric perceptions do occur in a variety of settings and to examine associated psychological processes.
  • Author(s):
    Macnaughton, D. B.
    This paper discusses the following features of the author's ideal introductory statistics course: (1) a clear statement of the goals of the course, (2) a careful discussion of the fundamental concept of 'variable', (3) a unification of statistical methods under the concept of a relationship between variables, (4) a characterization of hypothesis testing that is consistent with standard empirical research, (5) the use of practical examples, (6) the right mix of pedagogical techniques: lectures, readings, discussions, exercises, activities, group work, multimedia, (7) a proper choice of computational technology, and (8) a de-emphasis of less important topics such as univariate distributions, probability theory, and the mathematical theory of statistics. The appendices contain (a) recommendations for research to test different approaches to the introductory course and (b) discussion of thought-provoking criticisms of the recommended approach.


The CAUSE Research Group is supported in part by a member initiative grant from the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics and Data Science Education
