Abstract: This is a collection of eleven full-length research papers presented at the Third International Conference on Teaching Statistics. The papers are: 1. A Complemetarity Between Intuitions and Mathematics, by Manfred Borovnik 2. What's Typical? children's Ideas About Average, by Janice R. Mokros, Susan Jo Russell, Amy Shulman Weinberg and Lynne L. Goldsmith 3. The Loss of Intuition - A Lesson for the School Teacher?, by F. R. Jolliffe 4. Assessment of the Understanding of Statistical Concepts, by F. R. Jolliffe 5. Exploring the Stability of Students' Conceptions of Probability, by Joan Garfield and Robert delMas 6.The Use of Multiple Items to Identify Misconceptions in Probabilistic Reasoning, by Robert delMas and Joan Garfield 7. Use of the Arithmetic Mean: An Investigation of Four Properties, by Marjorie Roth Lean and Judith Zawojewski 8. The Origin of Inconsistencies in Probabilistic Reasoning of Novices, by Clifford Konold, Alexander Pollatsek, Arnold Well and Jill Hendrickson 9. A Longitudinal Study of Pupils' Probability concepts, by David Green 10. The Use of Chance - Concept in Everyday Teaching - Aspects of a Socially 10. Constituted Epistemology of Mathematical Knowledge, by Heinz Steinbring 11. Learning About Sampling: Trouble at the Core of Statistics, by Andree Rubin, Bertram Bruce and Yvette Tenney
The CAUSE Research Group is supported in part by a member initiative grant from the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics and Data Science Education