This paper addresses issues linking research into the classroom teaching and learning of mathematics with the growth of knowledge in mathematics teaching, developments in the practice of teaching and the enhanced learning of mathematics by students in classrooms. A basic premise is that research promotes development. The paper considers both insider andoutsider research and co-learning between teachers and educators in promoting classroom inquiry. Through a consideration of elements of theory such as knowledge and inquiry in teaching and of learning as knowledge growth through research/inquiry leading to enhancement of students' learning of mathematics, a framework is suggested. Its purposes include analysis of a research project's contribution to teaching development and conceptualization of research which has teaching development as one of its aims. Use of the framework is exemplified through its application to reports of three mathematics education research projects in the public domain. A brief afterword links the framework to concepts in activity theory.
The CAUSE Research Group is supported in part by a member initiative grant from the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics and Data Science Education