Literature Index

Displaying 1621 - 1630 of 3326
  • Author(s):
    Wilson, T., & Macgillivray, H.
    Rossman, A., & Chance, B.
    The relationship between mathematics and statistical reasoning frequently receives comment (Vere-Jones 1995, Moore 1997); however most of the research into the area tends to focus on mathematics anxiety. Gnaldi (2003) showed that in a statistics course for psychologists, the statistical understanding of students at the end of the course depended on students' basic numeracy, rather than the number or level of previous mathematics courses the student had undertaken. As part of a study into the development of statistical thinking at the interface between secondary and tertiary education, students enrolled in an introductory data analysis subject were assessed regarding their statistical reasoning, basic numeracy skills, mathematics background and attitudes towards statistics. This work reports on some key relationships between these factors and in particular the importance of numeracy to statistical reasoning.
  • Author(s):
    Gal, I., Stoudt, A.
    Discusses the importance of numeracy with the national focus on global competitiveness and a reemphasis on the importance of lifelong learning. Discusses several initiatives and groups dealing with adult numeracy issues.
  • Author(s):
    Steen, L. A.
    The need for higher standards of quantitative literacy, or numeracy, in America schools is discussed. Topics include the value of numeracy in political, economic and business life, differences between standard math and quantitative literacy, and suggestions for implementing numeracy in schools.
  • Author(s):
    CLARKE, Stephen R
    One way of examining forecasting methods via assignments is to give each student a real or simulated set of data, with a requirement to forecast future values. However checking the accuracy of calculations for the host of possible methods can be onerous. One solution is to make part or the entire assessment dependent on the accuracy of the forecasts obtained. This mirrors real life, where forecasts are judged not by the method used but by how accurate the predictions turn out. This paper investigates how this might work with an actual example. Using simulated data from a model which incorporates trend, seasonality, Easter effect and randomness, we use a function of the mean square error of the forecasts to determine the final mark for a variety of methods. Results indicate that the students who have put in more work, and/or fitted the better models, would obtain the better marks.
  • Author(s):
    Geisser, S.
    The attempt to structure a curriculum which balances professional demands with intellectual aspirations induces academic quarrels that ballots do not assuage. In what follows I will address these issues.
  • Author(s):
    Garfield, J. B.
    This paper describes four main categories of issues related to the effective teaching of probability and statistics at the precollege level. These issues relate to: 1. The training or retraining of mathematics teachers to teach statistics. 2. The role of probability and statistics in the mathematics curriculum. 3. The need for connecting research in difficulties students have learning probability and statistics concepts to classroom instruction, and 4. Assessment of student learning. Recommendations for dealing with these issues are offered.
  • Author(s):
    Fowler, M. S., & Kadane, J. B.
    Stephenson, W. R.
    Part of the history of oil and gas development on Indian reservations concerns potential underpayment of royalties due to under-valuation of production by oil companies. This paper discusses a model used by the Shoshone and Arapaho tribes in a lawsuit against the Federal government, claiming the Government failed to collect adequate royalties. Portions of the case have been settled out of court with compensation paid to the Tribes. Other portions remain pending. This material can be used as a real example in a calculus-based probability and statistics course.
  • Author(s):
    Bentz, H., & Borovcnik, M.
    Bell, A., Low, B., & Kilpatrick, J.
    In the tradition of Kahneman and Tversky some interesting heuristics have been outlined and discussed, that might explain and predict failures in probabilistic situations. In a series of examples we will give a short description of some of these intuitive strategies. The so called representativeness heuristic is discussed at more depth. It is linked to the idea of quota sampling. Random sampling is nothing but a trick to have a good chance of getting representative samples. All in all the representativeness idea is shown to be a fundamental statistical idea.
  • Author(s):
    García Cruz, J. A., & Garret, A. J.
    Rossman, A., & Chance, B.
    This paper reports on our ongoing research on the teaching and learning of averages in secondary mathematics education based on a questionnaire that combine open-ended and multiple-choice questions. Analysis has led us to note that many students who choose the correct answers in multiple-choice questions were completely unable to demonstrate any reasonable method of solving related open questions.
  • Author(s):
    Peter Petocz and Anna Reid
    In this paper, we summarise several components of our recent research into students' conceptions<br>of statistics, their learning of statistics, our teaching of statistics, and their perceptions of their<br>future professional work. We have obtained this information on the basis of phenomenographic<br>analyses of several series of interviews with students studying statistics, both as statistics majors<br>and as service students. In each of these cases, the broadest views relate in some way to personal<br>connection, growth and change - in other words, they contain a strong ontological component<br>above and beyond the standard epistemological component of learning. We discuss the<br>importance of personal change in becoming a statistician - or an informed user of statistics - and<br>investigate the pedagogical conditions under which such change is likely to occur.


The CAUSE Research Group is supported in part by a member initiative grant from the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics and Data Science Education