Literature Index

Displaying 1181 - 1190 of 3326
  • Author(s):
    Randall E. Groth
    The study describes levels of thinking in regard to the design of statistical studies.<br>Clinical interviews were conducted with 15 students who were enrolled in high<br>school or were recent high school graduates, and who represented a range of<br>mathematical backgrounds. During the clinical interview sessions students were<br>asked how they would go about designing studies to answer several different<br>quantifiable questions. Several levels of sophistication were identified in their<br>responses, and are discussed in terms of the Biggs and Collis (1982, 1991) cognitive<br>model.
  • Author(s):
    Konold, C., &amp; Higgins, T.
    Russell, S. J., Schifter, D., &amp; Bastable V.
    Although there is considerable research on the reasoning of college students, there is<br>relatively little on how younger students reason and learn about data. Because data<br>analysis has only recently become an integral part of the pre-college curriculum in<br>the United States, we have limited practical experience with what works and what<br>doesn't. Accordingly, we draw heavily in this chapter on what we, as researchers,<br>have learned from the episodes in the Working with Data Casebook, connecting our observations when we can to published findings. In our opinion, the reflections of<br>these teachers and their descriptions of students' thinking is one of the richest source<br>of information to date on children's reasoning about data and on how children's<br>thinking evolves during instruction.
  • Author(s):
    Bakker, A.
    This study was carried out as a preparation to the development of instruction material for statistics. The history of statistics was studied with special attention to the development of the average values: the arithmetic, geometric, harmonic mean; median, mode, and midrange. Also sampling and distribution are discussed. After an introduction on phenomenology, this article firstly discusses a so-called historical and then a didactical phenomenology of the average values.<br>The average values form a large family of notions that in early times were not yet strictly conceptions. It appears to be important that students discover many qualitative aspects of the average values before they learn how to calculate the arithmetic means and the median. From history, it is concluded that estimation, fair distribution and simple decision theory can be fruitful starting points for a statistical instruction sequence.
  • Author(s):
    Maya Bar-Hillel and Efrat Neter
    One event cannot be more probable than another that includes it. Judging P(A &amp; B) to be higher<br>than P(A) has been caIled the conjunction fallacy- This study examined a disjullctioll fallaQ&lt; Ss<br>received brief case descriptions and ordered 7 categories according to 1 of 4 criteria: (a) probability<br>of membership, (b) wiIlingness to bet on membership, (c) inclination to predict membership, and (d)<br>suitability for membership. The list included nested pairs of categories (e.g., Brazil-South America).<br>Ranking a category more probable than its superordinate, or betting on it rather than its superordinate,<br>is fallacious. Prediction, however, may be guided by maximizing informativeness, and suitability<br>need conform to no formal rule. Hence, for these 2 criteria, such a ranking pattern is not<br>fallacious. Yet ranking of categories higher than their superordinates was equally common on all 4<br>criteria. The results support representativeness against alternative interpretations.
  • Author(s):
    Stan Lipovetsky &amp; Igor Mandel
    This article demonstrates that art may inspire statistical thinking in many ways, providing aesthetic pleasure, scientific enlightenment, and humorous excitement. Art can serve as a fine tool for educational purposes in statistics, presenting explicit illustrations of statistical concepts. The role of statisticians here is to find a hidden meaning of a masterpiece and to interpret it for students. This work gives some examples of such an interpretation of painting from a statistical perspective.
  • Author(s):
    Young, S.
    Phillips, B.
    This paper reports on the use of a system designed to encourage statistics students to read the course text as a primary source of information and ideas. Reading and limited assessment would precede classroom teaching. The system has been implemented for eight semesters. Summaries of data collected will be presented, as will qualitative feedback from students.
  • Author(s):
    Tarr, J. E., &amp; Lannin, J. K.
    Jones, G. A.
    The focus of this chapter is on research in conditional probability and independence that uses both with- and without-replacement tasks. Probabilistic thinking about conditional occurrences as well as independence are explored. A framework postulates that middle school students' thinking in conditional probability and independence could be described and predicted across four levels that represent a continuum from subjective thinking to numerical reasoning. Then implications for teaching and learning are considered, emphasizing the fostering of understanding.
  • Author(s):
    Norean R. Sharpe
    Writing can be a wonderful tool to help illuminate what students are learning in our statistics courses. Examples and strategies to include writing in your teaching toolkit -- and to increase the writing skills of students -- include team assignments, weekly case reports, in-class questions, and others. The webinar will share effective approaches and assignments gleaned from twenty years of using writing in introductory and upper-level statistics courses.
  • Author(s):
    Ana Elisa Castro Sotos, Stijn Vanhoof, Wim Van den Noortgate, and Patrick Onghena
    Both researchers and teachers of statistics have made considerable efforts during the last decades to re-conceptualize statistics courses in accordance with the general reform movement in mathematics education. However, students still hold misconceptions about statistical inference even after following a reformed course. The study presented in this paper addresses the need to further investigate misconceptions about hypothesis tests by (1) documenting which misconceptions are the most common among university students of introductory courses of statistics, and (2) concentrating on an aspect of research about misconceptions that has not yet received much attention thus far, namely the confidence that students have in their misconceptions. Data from 144 college students were collected by means of a questionnaire addressing the most common misconceptions found in the literature about the definitions of hypothesis test, p-value, and significance level. In this questionnaire, students were asked to select a level of confidence in their responses (from 0 to 10) for each item. A considerable number of participants seemed to hold misconceptions and lower levels of concept-specific self-perceived efficacy were found to be related to misconceptions more than to the correct answers. On average, students selected significantly lower levels of confidence for the question addressing the definition of the significance level than for the other two items. Suggestions for further research and practice that emerge from this study are proposed.
  • Author(s):
    Lobato, J.
    Limitations with current approaches to the investigation of the transfer of learning in design experiments constrain the type of information that is available to researchers as they make design decisions. This article addresses these limitations by presenting a reconceptualization of transfer, called actor-oriented transfer, which emerged from design experiment work. The merits of this alternative model are considered in terms of the information it provides to design experimenters.


The CAUSE Research Group is supported in part by a member initiative grant from the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics and Data Science Education
