eCOTS 2012 - Breakout Sessions

  1. "Interactive Teaching of Probability Distributions Theory and Applications using Data, Models and Webapps"
    with Ivo Dinov, UCLA; Kyle Siegrist, University of Alabama; and Dennis Pearl, Ohio State University
  2. "Using advertisements to teach statistical literacy"
    with Rose Martinez-Dawson & Robert Horton, Clemson University
  3. "Online Games for Teaching Statistics from the Data Games and Playing Games with a Purpose Projects"
    with William Finzer, KCP Technologies; Cliff Konold, University of Massachusetts; and Shonda Kuiper, Grinnell College
  4. "Statistical Computing: A Language or a Graphical Interface"
    with Daniel Kaplan, Macalester College; and Jason Wilson, Biola University
  5. "A debate of what we know, think we know, and don't know about the use of simulation and randomization-based methods as alternatives to the consensus curriculum of the Stat 101 course"
    with Christopher Malone, Winona State University; and Nathan Tintle, Dordt College
  6. "What Online Students Wish You Knew"
    with Camille Fairbourn, Utah State University
  7. "A Second Statistics Course is Needed: What should it be?"
    with Marc Isaacson and Milo Schield, Augsburg College
  8. "Simulations, Audience Response Systems and the Classroom: Engaging the Modern Student"
    with S. Camille Peres and David M. Lane, Rice University
  9. "Introducing Inference with Bootstrapping and Randomization"
    with Kari Lock Morgan, Duke University
  10. "Storytelling in the Statistics Classroom"
    with Jeanne Albert and Bill Peterson, Middlebury College
  11. "Data Visualization on the iPad"
    with Mia Stephens, SAS Institute, JMP Division
  12. "ENGAGING STUDENTS: This is always a challenge, whether teaching online or face-to-face. Learn new ways to engage your students and help them succeed in their statistics courses by using new, interactive online tools"
    with Alan Dabney, Texas A&M University; and Roland Cheyney & Karen Carson, W.H. Freeman
  13. "What do students really need to know about Statistics in the 21st Century?"
    with Richard (Dick) De Veaux, Williams College
  14. "Designing and Using an Online Course to Support Teaching Introductory Statistics: Experiences and Assessments"
    with Oded Meyer, Candace Thille, and Marsha Lovett, Carnegie Mellon University
