Async-01: Explore Culturally Relevant Data through a Map of Segregation And Redlining

Date/Time: N/A

By Immanuel Williams (California Polytechnic State University); Travis Weiland (University of Houston)


In this poster, I will present an activity conducted in an introductory course at California Polytechnic University. The online activity was completed by 35 students through Zoom and freely accessible websites and does not require an IRB. Students were guided to explore geographical data via maps and data frames to identify historical patterns of segregation in New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago. Students have the ability to analyze the demographic data with Chi-Square Goodness of Fit tests. Participants will view the activity in its entirety and thus be able to adopt it in their own classrooms. To conclude the poster presentation, I will discuss how this activity exemplifies the utilization of quantitative reasoning to begin to broach sensitive, cultural material in the statistics classroom.
Citation: Black Migration, Latinx Migration, Background Information on cities, NY Post


Async-01 - Explore Culturally Relevant Data through a Map of Segregation And Redlining.pdf
