Tu-17: Using IPUMS Data for Course Projects

By Ryne VanKrevelen (Elon University)


IPUMS (https://ipums.org/) is a data source that allows users to create custom data sets using census and survey data from across the US and world. Teachers can create their own data sets (tailored to certain classes) with dozens of variables allowing students (or student groups) to develop their own research questions and analyses to explore a question of interest using real world data. This has been implemented for final projects in an introductory statistics course (approx. 30 students) where students learn to analyze data with SAS. It has also been used for mentored undergraduate student research projects. This poster will give a brief overview of accessing and using IPUMS data along with tips based on experience from several semesters of final projects using the data source.


Tu-17 - Using IPUMS Data for Course Projects.pdf