
  • This page will perform an analysis of variance for the situation where there are three independent variables, A, B, and C, each with two levels. The user may enter data directly or copy and paste from a spreadsheet or other application.

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  • This page will compute the One-Way ANOVA for up to five samples. The design can be either for independent samples or correlated samples (repeated measures or randomized blocks). This page will also perform pair-wise comparisons of sample means via the Tukey HSD test

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  • This page will perform a two-way factorial analysis of variance for designs in which there are 2-4 levels of each of two variables, A and B, with each subject measured under each of the AxB combinations.

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  • This page will compute the Two-Way Factorial ANOVA for Independent Samples, for up to four rows by four columns. This page will also calculate the critical values of Tukey's HSD for purposes of post-ANOVA comparisons.

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  • These lecture notes are composed of nearly 180 PowerPoint slides that have been coverted to a pdf file (6 per page) on Biomedical Imaging. The following topics are outlined: Vocabulary, Displaying Data, Central Tendency and Variability, Normal Z-scores, Standardized Distribution, Probability, Samples & Sampling Error, Type I and Type II Errors, Power of a Test, Hypothesis Testing, One Sample Tests, Two Independent Sample Tests, Two Dependent Sample Tests & Estimation, Correlation and Regression Techniques, Non-Parametric Statistical Tests, Applications of Central Limit Theorem, Law of Large Numbers, Design of Studies and Experiments, Fisher's F-Test, Analysis Of Variance(ANOVA), Principle Component Analysis (PCA), Chi-Square Goodness-of-fit test, Multiple Linear Regression, General Linear Model, Bootstrapping and Resampling.
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  • This page will calculate the intercorrelations (r and r2) for up to five variables, designated as A, B, C, D, and E.

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  • The applet in this section allows for simple data analysis of univariate data. Users can either generate normal or uniform data for k samples or copy and paste data from another source to a text box. A univariate analysis is performed for all k samples. A two-sample t-test (Pooled and Satterthwaite) is performed for k = 2. An ANOVA test is performed for k > 2. This page was formerly located at
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  • In this activity, students work in groups to provide practical interpretations of graphs, considering shape, center, and spread. Each group posts their interpretation for one graph and critiques other groups' interpretations on other graphs. Students examine key aspects (shape, spread, location, etc) of histograms and stem plots to develop the ability to interpret graphics. This activity gets the students up and out of their seats and working together. It is a good activity for early in a term. The Gallery Walk idea can be adapted for different sized classes but this activity has been designed for classes up to 65 students.
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  • The applets in this section of Statistical Java address Power. Users can perform one or two tailed tests for proportions or means for one or two samples. Set the parameters and drag the mouse across the graph to see how effect size affects power. An article and an alternative source for this applet can be found at This page was formerly located at
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  • This resource defines and explains Chi square. It takes the user through 5 different categories: 1) Testing differences between p and pi 2) More than two categories 3) Chi-square test of independence 4) Reporting results 5) Exercises.

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