Analysis Tools

  • In the Latin Square computational pages on this site, the third IV, with levels designated as A, B, C, etc., is listed as the "treatment" variable. The analysis of variance within an orthogonal Latin Square results in three F-ratios: one for the row variable, one for the column variable, and one for the third IV whose j levels are distributed orthogonally among the cells of the rows x columns matrix.

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  • This page has two calculators. One will cacluate a simple logistic regression, while the other calculates the predicted probability and odds ratio. There is also a brief tutorial covering logistic regression using an example involving infant gestational age and breast feeding. Please note, however, that the logistic regression accomplished by this page is based on a simple, plain-vanilla empirical regression.

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  • This page will calculate the intercorrelations (r and r2) for up to five variables, designated as A, B, C, D, and E.

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  • This page will calculate the intercorrelations (r) for any number of variables (V1, V2, V3, etc.) and for any number of observations per variable.

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  • This resource defines a pie chart. It also allows the user to input values to create their own graphs. The user has control over the title, up to 15 slices, the color of each slice, and can choose a 3-D option.

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  • This page of Statistical Java describes 11 different probability distributions including the Binomial, Poisson, Negative Binomial, Geometric, T, Chi-squared, Gamma, Weibull, Log-Normal, Beta, and F. Each distribution has its own applet in which users can manipulate the parameters to see how the distribution changes. The parameters are described on the main page as well as situations that would use each distribution. The equations of the distributions are not given. To select between the different applets you can click on Statistical Theory, Probability Distributions and then the Main Page. At the bottom of this page you can make your applet selection. This page was formerly located at

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  • This collection of Analysis Tools can assist students and researchers with questions about study desgin, data analysis, and probability. Topics include sample size, power, survival, binomial probabilities, interaction, Fisher's exact test, one and two sample tests, and more.

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  • This applet simulates finding confidence intervals for the mean of a normal random variable. A sample of size 20 is generated from a standard normal random variable. The blue marks represent the sample data. The sample mean X and sample standard deviation s are found and used to calculate the confidence interval. The black intervals are the confidence intervals which include the true mean 0, and the red intervals are those which exclude 0. This applet needs to be resized for optimal viewing.
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  • This web-based package does a very complete range of statistical calculations designed to be user friendly. Formerly known as WebStat, it provides statistical calculation functions that would be done in most introductory statistics courses. Notable examples include being able to create histograms, pie charts and boxplots, calculation of summary statistics and confidence intervals, and performing hypothesis tests. It allows data to be entered in a spreadsheet style data window or opened from a file. Cost for students and professionals is $13 for 6 months and $23 for 12 months (instructors have complimentary access), and it does require a login. Key Word: Calculator.


    Stat Crunch's Available Features: 

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  • This page gives a short background on Student's t-test and provides three t-test calculators. Two perform t-tests for independent groups and one performs t-tests for matched pairs. Users type in individual data points or copy and paste the entire data set. Some examples are given for demonstration.
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