Analysis Tools

  • This applet simulates a probability tree diagram. Step 1: Click inside the appropriate box on the desired level to build the tree. Step 2: Click on "Set Probabilities" at the top. Step 3. When you enter the respective probabilities, you must hit the ENTER key after each one. Step 4: Once all of the probabilities have been set (they should be blue), click "Final Tree" Step 5: Click "Simulation".
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  • A collection of several applets related to probability.

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  • This applet allows you to manipulate the starting population, age-class survival rates, and age-class fecundity rates over 10 generations for up to 6 age classes. The default gives you the same population size for each age class as well as the same fecundity rate and survival rates. Move the sliders for each age class to manipulate each of these factors. You will see the relative proportions of each age class will change over time, but will eventually reach a stable age distribution.
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  • The page calculates summary statistics for any dataset. Users will be prompted for sample size when opening this page. The calculator returns mean, sum of X, sum of X^2, variance, standard deviation, and standard error. Key word: Descriptive statistics.

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  • To perform calculations using Bayes' theorem, enter the probability for one or the other of the items in each of the following pairs (the remaining item in each pair will be calculated automatically). A probability value can be entered as either a decimal fraction such as .25 or a common fraction such as 1/4

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  • An application of Bayes Theorem that performs the same calculations for the situation where the several probabilities are constructed as indices of subjective confidence.

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  • This page will generate a graphic and numerical display of the properties of a binomial sampling distribution, for any values of p and q, and for values of n between 1 and 40, inclusive.

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  • This page will perform basic multiple regression analysis for the case where there are several independent predictor variables, X1, X2, etc., and one dependent or criterion variable, Y. Requires import of data from a spreadsheet.

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  • This calculator performs the following for a contingency table up to 5x5: chi-square analysis; Cramer's V; two asymmetrical versions of lambda; the Goodman-Kruskal index of predictive association; other measures relevant to categorical prediction. Key Word: Categorical Analysis.

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  • This page will calculate standard measures for Rates, Risk Ratio, Odds, Odds Ratio, and Log Odds. It will also calculate the Phi coefficient of association;perform a chi-square test of association, if the sample size is not too small; and perform the Fisher exact probability test, if the sample size is not too large. For intermediate values of n, the chi-square and Fisher tests will both be performed.

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