Java Applet

  • This page provides a table of Chi-square distribution probabilities with degress of freedom 1-45.
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  • This applet allows users to input their own data and perform one- and two-way Analyses of Variance. Key Word: ANOVA.

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  • This calculator determines the level of significance for the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney U-statistic. Users can enter N1, N2, and U or simply enter the raw data.

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  • This applet allows users to draw a curve on a graph, and then displays the polynomial fit of the curve.
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  • This collection of datasets from Princeton University each come with detailed descriptions of the data's history, how it was collected, and the data quality. Scroll down to "OPR Data Catalog Search" and either type your search terms into the search box or click "complete listings" to browse the archive. Data is available in text format.
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  • These datasets come from the book "STAT LABS: Mathematical Statistics Through Applications." Below the link for each dataset are descriptions of the variables for that dataset. Datasets are in text format and address topics such as maternal smoking and infant health, video games, radon, cytomegalovirus DNA, HIV, crab molting, voting, snow gauge calibration, down syndrome, and tape drive quality.
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  • This site links to social science data archives all over Europe. By clicking "The Cataloge" users can search for datasets from any country's data archive or go directly to a data archive website by clicking the name of the country. By clicking "The Map" users can see a map of the locations of European data archives and click the country whose archive they would like to see. Some archives require registration to access the datasets.

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  • This collection of datasets addresses social science issues and is housed at the University of Wisconsin. Free registration is required to access the datasets.
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  • This page contains applets and data files that supplement the text "Investigating Statistical Concepts, Applications, And Methods." The applets and files are organized according to chapter; each data file is available in Minitab or text format.
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  • Everyday we have specific routines we engage in. Many of these routines are tailored to preventing us from becoming victims of crime. We do things like lock our doors, watch where we walk at night, or avoid walking alone. We take these actions because at some level we are afraid of the possibility of being a victim of crime. Although we may not consciously think about it, these routines may be influenced by a variety of factors. What factors might make some individuals more afraid than others?

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