High School

  • HotBits is a genuine random number generator powered by radioactive decay. Simply click the "Request HotBits" link, and specify how many bytes you would like (up to 2048) and in what form you prefer them. Hexadecimal returns numbers and letters, while C language returns integers. Then click the "Get HotBits" button, and your random numbers will appear on the screen.
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  • This online textbook covers the following probability and statistics topics: Independence; Venn Diagrams; Bayes's Theorem; Counting; Binomial Expansion; Binomial Distribution; Continuous Distributions; Infinitesimals in Probability; Averaging; Variance; Gaussian Distribution; Random Walks; Correlation; Causation; Linear Regression; Unbiased Estimators; Hypothesis Testing; Shape of the Distribution; Variance of Mean Differences.
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  • This page explains simple linear regression with an example on muscle strength versus lean body mass.
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  • This lesson introduces simple linear regression with several Excel spreadsheet examples such as temperature versus cricket chirps, height versus shoe size, and laziness versus amount of TV watched. These activities require class participation.
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  • This online calculator allows users to enter 16 observations with up to 4 dependent variables and calculates the regression equation, the fitted values, R-Squared, the F-Statistic, mean, variance, first order serial-correlation, second order serial-correlation, the Durbin-Watson statistic, and the mean absolute errors. It also tests normality and gives the i-th residuals.

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  • This resource explains Multiple Regression and concepts associated with it. Key Words: Predicted values; Residuals; Dummy Variables; Interaction Effects; T-Test; Regression Coefficients; Correlation; Partial Correlation; R-Squared; Adjusted R-Squared; Multicollinearity; Variance-Inflation Factors; Transformation; Cook's Distance; Validity; Durbin-Watson Coefficient.
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  • This page contains applets and data files that supplement the text "Investigating Statistical Concepts, Applications, And Methods." The applets and files are organized according to chapter; each data file is available in Minitab or text format.
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  • The datasets in this collection are in text format, but are also compatible with Arc software from "Regression Graphics." Each set has a title, description, and data table. The software is available in the relation link below.
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  • This applet allows users to run experiments such as Ball and Urn, Buffon's Needle, Craps, Monty Hall, and many more. Select an experiment from the drop down menu and click "About" to read its description. Then, set the parameter values. Set the sample size using the "Update" box and the number of samples using the "Stop" box. The single arrow button takes one sample and the double arrow button takes the number of samples selected. Graphs of the theoretical and empirical distributions are shown. Requires JAVA
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  • This applet simulates drawing samples from a binomial distribution. Users set the population proportion of success (pi), sample size (n), and number of samples. By clicking "Draw Samples," the applet will draw a sample and display the corresponding sample histogram. Each new sample drawn is added to the previous ones unless the user clicks "Reset" between samples. Users can choose to display the number and proportion of successes above or below a certain value (tail probabilities) by entering a value in the "Num Successes" box and clicking "Count." The portion of the distribution that meets the condition is highlighted in red, and the proportion of success is given at the bottom of the page. Clicking the inequality sign changes its direction. Clicking "Theo Values" displays the theoretical distribution in green on top of the empirical. Instructions and an activity for this applet can be found in the textbook "Investigating Statistical Concepts, Applications, and Methods" (ISCAM) in Lesson 3.2.2 on page 205.

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