High School

  • This site contains numerous resources for learning statistics. Under "Free Statistical Software", the user will find many, many links to free statistical software packages. Also available on the site are links to statistical textbooks, tutorials, applets, calculators, data sources, and more.
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  • This dataset comes from a study on pregnant rats. Forty rats were given 4 doses of a drug, and data on their fetuses were collected. Questions this study focused on refer to the relationship between dosage of the drug and gender of the fetus. A text file version of the data is found in the relation link.
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  • This site provides an introduction to basic statistical concepts for journalists and writers with little math background. Key Words: Mean; Median; Percent Changes; Per capita; Rates; Standard Deviation; Normal Distribution; Margin of Error; Confidence Interval; Data Analysis; Sample Sizes; Statistical Tests; Student's T.
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  • This resource defines and explains the arithmetic mean using an example on employee salaries.
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  • This resource defines and explains the median using an example on employee salaries.
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  • This resource defines and explains percent changes using an example on city murder rates.
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  • This resource defines and explains per capita rates using an example on city murder rates.
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  • This resource explains margin of error using an example on presidential popularity polls.
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  • This resource gives 3 questions readers should ask when presented with data and why to ask them: Where did the data come from? Have the data been peer-reviewed? How were the data collected? This page also describes why readers should: be skeptical when dealing with comparisons, and be aware of numbers taken out of context.

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  • This resource discusses sample sizes and how they are chosen.
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