
  • by Lawrence Mark Lesser

    An           experimental         poem        designed 

    with              two                 blocking         factors, 

    neither           of                      them           gender: 

    it’s                   a                     Latinx            square.

  • Q. What's a row-column design for two blocking factors that does not distinguish gender?

    A. A Latinx Square!

    Larry Lesser

  • A B C D E
    B C E A D
    C E D B A
    D A B E C
    E D A C B

    Where A = Argentina; B = Brazil; C = Colombia; D = Dominican Republic; and E = El Salvador

    Larry Lesser


  • Lyrics © Mary McLellan
    may sing to the tune of Meghan Trainor's "All About That Bass"

    You know you randomly select, select, no effect
    You know you randomly select, select, no effect
    You know you randomly select, select, no effect
    When your sample’s like the population you can generalize

    You know you randomly select, select, no effect
    You know you randomly select, select, no effect
    You know you randomly select, select, no effect
    When your sample’s like the population you can generalize

    When you make an experiment you must randomly assign
    To make the groups the same so your treatment is the why
    When you make an experiment you must randomly assign
    To make the groups the same so your treatment is the why

