Statistical Inference & Techniques

  • The applet in this section allows for simple data analysis of univariate data. Users can either generate normal or uniform data for k samples or copy and paste data from another source to a text box. A univariate analysis is performed for all k samples. A two-sample t-test (Pooled and Satterthwaite) is performed for k = 2. An ANOVA test is performed for k > 2. This page was formerly located at
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  • In this activity, students work in groups to provide practical interpretations of graphs, considering shape, center, and spread. Each group posts their interpretation for one graph and critiques other groups' interpretations on other graphs. Students examine key aspects (shape, spread, location, etc) of histograms and stem plots to develop the ability to interpret graphics. This activity gets the students up and out of their seats and working together. It is a good activity for early in a term. The Gallery Walk idea can be adapted for different sized classes but this activity has been designed for classes up to 65 students.
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  • The applets in this section of Statistical Java address Power. Users can perform one or two tailed tests for proportions or means for one or two samples. Set the parameters and drag the mouse across the graph to see how effect size affects power. An article and an alternative source for this applet can be found at This page was formerly located at
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  • This resource defines and explains Chi square. It takes the user through 5 different categories: 1) Testing differences between p and pi 2) More than two categories 3) Chi-square test of independence 4) Reporting results 5) Exercises.

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  • This site contains materials to help teach a Chance course. It includes a newsletter, videos and audios, teaching aids, and other related Internet sources.
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  • This resource is a collection of links for students and teachers of statistics. For students, it includes links to find statistical data. For teachers, it includes links to assist in statistics instruction.
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  • Random is a website devoted to probability, mathematical statistics, and stochastic processes, and is intended for teachers and students of these subjects. The site consists of an integrated set of components that includes expository text, interactive web apps, data sets, biographical sketches, and an object library. 

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  • This one-page document gives some helpful tips about the first day of class. It gives short advice on creating a first impression, establishing rapport, clarifying expectations, collecting information and building excitement.
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  • This one-page document gives advice on how to construct and give exams. It focuses on making exams a positive experience for both instructors and students. It is written by Rich Felder an expert in Engineering education.
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  • This one-page document gives advice on how to handle large classes. Specific items it examines include creating an interactive lecture, handing out of class assignments, and miscellaneous tips. It is written by Rich Felder an expert in Engineering education.
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