
  • Share with your students why the presence of an outlier affects which measure of central tendency to report. Feel free to modify this Powerpoint presentation to fit the needs of your students. Included at the end are additional online resources to further engage your students in their learning about the mean, median, and mode. The presentation is covered by a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.

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  • This is a collection of notes that covers many topics typically included in introductory and/or intermediate statistics courses. The notes are in PDF format, and each is followed by a set of exercises (with most answers included). The site also includes some tables and a link to a StatTable calculator.
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  • This is a site that contains a number of types of material that can be used in teaching about chance and probability. Lesson plans, syllabi, suggested activities, and data sets are available. The data sets contain interesting information for students such as: quarterback passing rating data, baseball streaks, and baseball salaries that can be used to illustrate means, medians, etc.. The site also contains a link to the Chance News (which is now a wiki on CAUSEweb).

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  • Regression to the Mean is a 2009 poem by Andrew Porter of Wirral, England. The poem can be used in teaching about regression to the mean and the regression fallacy. Free for use in non-profit educational settings. A video featuring the poem being read aloud is at

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  • This article from the September 2009 issue of AMSTAT News features Dr. Robert Starbuck telling the story of his journey to become a statistician.

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  • This article from the September 2009 issue of AMSTAT News provides a glimpse into some of the experiences of undergraduate statistics consultants at St. Olaf College in Minnesota.
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  • This article from the September 2009 issue of AMSTAT News provides information about what is involved in a career in statistics and why statistics is important.
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  • In this September 2009 article from AMSTAT news, several statisticians share the stories of how they chose careers in statistics.
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  • A statistician who works as a consultant shares information about his career and how he has learned to be more effective in the professional world in this September 2009 article in AMSTAT News.
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  • Many great resources are provided here for those seeking more information about a career in statistics.

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