Resource Library

Statistical Topic

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  • A quote to initiate a discussion of the fact that correlation does not imply a causal relationship (especially spurious correlations that happen by coincidence). The quote is by American novelist and poet Siri Hustvedt (1955 - ) from her 2011 novel The Summer Without Men.
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  • This webpage provides an active learning lesson for linear regression. Resources include an in-class student activity sheet for two different levels of classes (Algebra I and Junior), a PowerPoint showing faces of famous people, and sheet with updated (to the end of current year) actual ages of the celebrities.
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  • A video to teach about principles of Analysis of Variance. The lyrics and video were created by Scott Crawford from the University of Wyoming. The music is from the 1984 song "Hallelujah" by Canadian songwriter Leonard Cohen. The video took third place in the video category of the 2013 CAUSE A-Mu-sing competition. Free for non-profit use in classroom and course website applications.
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  • A poem for use in teaching that causation is not correlation and the Pearson Chi-Square test. The poem was written by Dr. Nyaradzo Mvududu of the Seattle Pacific University School of Education. The poem won a prize in the 2013 CAUSE A-Mu-sing competition.
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  • A cartoon to teach about the average and about positive versus negative skew. The cartoon was created by Diane L. Evans from Rose-Human Institute of Technology and won an honorable mention in the CAUSE 2013 A-Mu-sing contest.
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  • Partial to You (A multiple Regression Love Song) is an original song about partial correlation in multiple regression by University of Texas at El Paso Professor Lawrence Mark Lesser. The song won third place in the song category in the 2013 CAUSE A-Mu-sing contest. Dr. Lesser sings the song in the accompanying MP3 audio file.
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  • A song to teach the idea the difference between the population and sample correlation. The lyrics are by Lawrence M Lesser, University of Texas at El Paso in collaboration with Dennis K Pearl, The Ohio State University. The song may be sung to the tune of the children's folk song "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" and like that song may be sung in rounds. Dr. Lesser sings the song in an accompanying MP3 audio file.
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  • A joke that might be used in discussing correlation - especially in health studies. The joke is adapted from a joke told by comedic magician Omar Covarrubias. The revised joke was written by Larry Lesser, University of Texas at El Paso, for use in the statistics classroom.
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  • August 8, 2006 webinar presented by David Spohn of Hudson High School. This 30-minute webinar is the second in a two-part series on the AP Statistics experience. The first part focused on the AP exam and its grading. This second part focuses on the teaching of the AP course. David Spohn, an experienced AP Statistics teacher, discusses the curriculum of AP, insights on his own teaching, and resources that are available to AP Statistics teachers.
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  • Always expect to find at least one error when you proofread your own statistics. If you don't, you are probably making the same mistake twice. Quote of american demographer Cheryl Russell appearing in "Rules of Thumb" by Tom Parker (Houghton Mifflin, 1983) p. 124. Also to be found in "Statistically Speaking the dictionary of quotations" compiled by Carl Gaither and Alma Cavazos-Gaither p. 81
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