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Advanced Search | Displaying 1241 - 1250 of 1435
  • This simulation illustrates types of sums of squares in a 2 x 3 ANOVA.
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  • This is a simulation illustrating the regression toward the mean phenomenon.
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  • This applet demonstrates how a histogram is affected by bin width and starting point of first bin. It also illustrates cross-validation criterion for assessing histograms.
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  • This applet demonstrates how the reliability of X and Y affect various aspects of the regression of Y on X.
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  • This applet simulates experiments using 2 x 2 contingency tables. You specify the population proportions and the sample size and examine the effects on the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis.
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  • The applet allows users to sample from a normal distribution or from a uniform distribution. It shows the expected values and the observed values and computes the deviation. Then, a chi-square test shows if the deviations are significant for both the normal and uniform distributions.
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  • This applet shows how the correlation between two variables is affected by the range of the variable plotted on the X-axis.
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  • As described on the page itself: "The simulation shows a scatterplot of data from a bivariate distribution in which the relationship between the two variables is linear. You can change the "input" values of slope, standard error of the estimate, or standard deviation of X for this data sample, and see the effects of your change. "
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  • This demonstration allows you to view the binomial distribution and the normal approximation to it as a function of the probability of a success on a given trial and the number of trials. It can be used to compute binomial probabilities and normal approximations of those probabilities.
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  • In this free online video program, "a two-way table of counts displays the relationship between two ways of classifying people or things. This program concerns inference about two-way tables, covering use of the chi-square test and null hypothesis in determining the relationship between two ways of classifying a case. The methods are used to investigate a possible relationship between a worker's gender and the type of job he or she holds."
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